
Ben Fulford Typepad 18. & 19.04.2017

Henry Kissinger spotted at Florida military base trying to start World War 3

By Benjamin Fulford
April 18, 2017

Henry Kissinger was spotted in early April at a US military base in Florida, Pentagon sources say. It was Kissinger who wrote the plot for the April summit meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and US Corporate President Donald Trump, the sources say.

The illegal Tomahawk missile attack against Russian and Syrian air-force personnel inside Syria that took place during the summit was also ordered by Kissinger, the sources add. US top General Joseph Dunford did not learn of the attack until 15 minutes after it took place, the Pentagon sources continue.

Kissinger is also orchestrating the attempts to provoke a war with North Korea, they say. For this reason US military and naval personnel need to be on high alert for bribed officers going rogue and attacking North Korea, they say. No attack on North Korea will be authorized by the regular chain of command.

Kissinger is fighting for the survival of the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia and their financial control grid. He needs to be apprehended ASAP.



Would be patsy for fake Muslim terror attack in US asks for protection

By Benjamin Fulford
April 19, 2017

An Egyptian American by the name of Amin Amin contacted me to ask for protection because he felt his life was in danger and that he was being set up as a patsy for a “Muslim” terror attack in the US.

Amin, who is currently in Tennessee, says that both the CIA and Sudanese intelligence have contacted him and tried to convince him to work for them. Amin says the Sudanese intelligence officers included people going by the name of Tarik and Wahir. He says he has known them since childhood and that they are nephews of Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu who is, in actuality, an Arab and not a Jew.

The other people who tried to recruit him are a Jewish person by the name of Andrew Lamont and a Palestinian 33rd degree freemason going by the name of Jamal Abuseyada.

Amin says he was offered large sums of money to cooperate but when he refused to, he was fired from his job as a teaching assistant in a Muslim school in Tennessee. Amin asked me to inform the world he is clean, sober and non-violent and that he is not planning any terrorist attack. He would like white hats in the intelligence community to contact him.

He also said he knew a Palestinian by the name of Nazar who used to be a roommate of the Unabomber. He says Nazar told him that the real former Palestinian Liberation Organization head Yasser Arafat was “killed in a raid and replaced by a double.”


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