
Es regnete in Afrika! - It Rained in Africa!

April 11, 2017 by Kathleen Mary Willis 

It rained in parts of South Sudan and Ethiopia — there were 3 hours of precipitation!

Thank you to everyone for your Love and peace meditations — talking to the water element, calling out, praying and asking for help from all our unseen friends — over the weekend!

Circle of Blue website states:

“Conflict and drought have left 27 million people in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen without safe drinking water. Ongoing fighting in South Sudan is causing food insecurity and water scarcity even in relatively peaceful regions of the country.” (1)

Here is a map picture with purple areas showing where it rained:

3 hours of precipitation

Thank you so much to all who are participating, above and below!!

Please keep going, talking to the water element daily (2), asking for help from the GF and UFOG, our galactic friends, the Council of Love, our Guides and Guardians, our Universal Selves for the many suffering in this region and all over Gaia, but especially across the middle of Africa, Yemen and Syria. . .

Nova Earth is a co-creation with our unseen friends.

As we look within and clear our suffering,
with forgiveness, peace and Love,
our external reflection
becomes One
in peace

He said when we do this we’re going to see positive proof of how truly powerful we are — not just in bringing forth our own abundance but in creating the beauty of harmony in partnership — and not just with the elements and Gaia herself but with our human community around the globe.

A great big thank you to all meditation groups
for your dedication and perseverance!


(1) Hotspots H2O, April 4: Conflict and Drought Leave 27 Million Without Clean Water

(2) St. Germaine, November 2014, urged us to talk daily to every molecule of water, saying:

Will you come with me and will you rain,

in perfect harmony and proportion in California?

Will you come with me and rain,

and create a lush California yet again,

and will you share this bounty all over Gaia?

He said when we do this we’re going to see positive proof of how truly powerful we are — not just in bringing forth our own abundance but in creating the beauty of harmony in partnership — and not just with the elements and Gaia herself but with our human community around the globe.

A great big thank you to all meditation groups
for your dedication and perseverance.

Quelle: http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/04/11/it-rained-in-africa/

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