

On GoldFish Report No 89, Louisa and Kent discuss the Syrian strikes and what was really behind them, including a link to reverse speech analysis of the POTUS announcement about the strikes provided by Blogger Kauilapele.

Ethical concerns about the appropriateness of Trumps son-in-law as advisor are discussed in addition to new Executive Orders, Gorsuch Confirmation, visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping, asset recuperation for the USA Corp Bankruptcy, restoration of the U.S.Republic, auditing of the pentagon for missing billions, and the peculiar timing of these and other events such as the announcement of the presence of the antichrist. 

This is a GFR not to miss….to view KP’s reverse speech analysis use this link https://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2017… and for BPearthwatch announcement about the Anti Christ use this link https://youtu.be/qmA1g5pLWOs. To help support the research of The GoldFish Report please visit http://www.thegoldfishreport.com and you can help in a number of ways by making a donation, patronizing our vendors page or sending us links to research or post. We are doing this for you ,the viewer, who are helping us to grow.

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Quelle: https://thegoldfishreport.wordpress.com/2017/04/08/goldfish-report-no-89-week-12-potus-update-with-kent-dunn/

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