
Temple of Equilibrium ~ Elders April Transmission 2

The Temple of Equilibrium ~ Teachings of the Eye of Horus
Elders April Transmission through Anrita Melchizedek

Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/free-downloads
You Tube https://youtu.be/pp5_vaJIeH0
Transcribe http://www.pleiadianlight.net/eye-of-...
Music Emerald Heart Solfeggio Frequencies
In much appreciation to all the unknown artists

Welcome sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you in the month of April as you deepen into your Christed Hearts supported by the realms of Illumined Truth walking the Path of Divine Love.

Sweet ones, in this transmission with you we invite you into the Temple of Equilibrium Overlighted by Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael and the Order of Melchizedek. The Temple of Equilibrium is brought into being through the Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge and Splendor (Hod) on Jacob’s Ladder. Wrapped in a beautiful Orange Flame of Knowledge, a Blue-Green Flame of Equilibrium and Inner Strength and the Diamond Flame of Melchizedek Consciousness, you are offered the opportunity to experience a renewed equilibrium and balance in your everyday lives through the balancing of polarities. Through this Temple you have the ability to activate more deeply your own inner strength in determination, compassion and commitment to the Divine, while purifying on all levels of your beingness as you come into the stillness of your Christed Hearts and into greater levels of appreciation and gratitude for yourselves and others. Additionally sweet ones, you experience a greater level of conscious communication in your relationships and a deeper sense of your heart’s joy that may manifest through additional studies or areas of interest.

The fifth ray of Concrete Knowledge is an expansion of the third ray of Divine Intelligence. It focuses on using Divine Intelligence through science and abstract concepts in understanding the wholeness of Humanity. Through concrete knowledge, based on mental Illumination and higher mind teachings, you experience sweet ones, new insights, understandings and illuminations which deepen your service work as Initiates of Light.

Splendor (Hod) sweet ones, is a sphere with the power to assist you to step into the next level of your Soul’s Forward Evolution in determination, truth and perseverance, and inspire you to deeper of your heart’s dreaming and passion with an aura of sincerity, splendor, gratitude and majesty.

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