
Benjamin Fulford - 2.Oktober 2017 - USA atomisieren Nord Korea und Japan entscheidet sich Premierminister Abe los werden zu wollen (Teil 1)

USA atomisieren Nord Korea und Japan entscheidet sich Premierminister Abe los werden zu wollen

[Teil 1 grob übersetzt und ergänzt von max]

Letzte Woche liess die US Air Force eine nukleare Waffe auf einem Gipfel in der Nähe von Nordkorea's nuklearem Testgelände detonieren, als Warnung an das Land, die Raketen-Tests zu stoppen, so Quellen des NSA. Dies wurde den Medien dieser Welt "nur" als US-Bomber verkauft, die am weitesten nördlich der demilitärischen Zone im 21. Jahrhundert fliegen.

[Anmerkung: "Der Einsatz in internationalem Luftraum sei der erste in diesem Jahrhundert, bei dem US-Kampfflugzeuge so weit nördlich vor der Küste Nordkoreas geflogen seien, teilte das Pentagon mitQuelle: sueddeutsche.de "]


in deutsch auch hier:

Diesem Flug folgten Berichte über ein 3,5 Erdbeben in der Nähe, in der Nordkorea vor kurzem eine Wasserstoff-Bombe getestet hatte. Widersprüchliche Berichte in den Medien beschrieben dieses Erdbeben entweder als natürliches, oder als Resultat einer nuklearen Explosion. Jedenfalls prahlt Nordkorea nach diesem Ereignis nicht mehr mit neuen nuklearen Tests.


in deutsch hier:
Nordkorea von Erdbeben erschüttert - womöglich durch Explosion verursacht

US-Präsident Donald Trump schien Hinting an diesem Angriff mit den folgenden Tweets:
"Ich sagte Rex Tillerson, unserem wunderbaren Staatssekretär, dass er seine Zeit verschwendet, wenn er versucht, mit dem Little Rocket Man zu verhandeln ...."

in deutsch auch hier:
„Spar dir deine Energie, Rex“

Spare Dir Deine Energie, Rex; Wir werden tun, was getan werden muss! Nice to Rocket Man hat nicht in 25 Jahren gearbeitet; Warum sollte es jetzt funktionieren? Clinton scheiterte, Bush scheiterte und Obama scheiterte. Ich werde nicht scheitern.
Diesem nuklearen Angriff auf Nordkorea folgte eine Entscheidung der asiatischen Geheim- Gesellschaften, in Koordination mit dem khazarischen Mafioso Henry Kissinger, den japanischen Premierminister Shinzo Abe abzusetzen, sagen Quellen der asiatischen Geheim Gesellschaften.

Deshalb kündigte Abe vorgezogene Wahlen für den 22. Oktober an, so die Quellen. Japans nächster designierte Premierminister, wird die Gouverneurin der Präfektur Tokio, Yuriko Koike. Sie wird Japans erste weibliche Premierministerin, fügen die Quellen hinzu.

in deutsch dazu hier:
JAPANS PARLAMENT AUFGELÖST: Abe macht den Weg für Neuwahlen frei

Die japanischen Propaganda-Medien bereiten jetzt den Weg für einen "unerwarteten Sieg" durch die neue Partei von KOIKE, mit erweiterter Abdeckung der Abe Skandale und einer glühenden Begeisterung von KOIKE vor. Außerdem haben alle Oppositionsparteien plötzlich und einstimmig beschlossen, KOIKE zu fördern.

KOIKE wird auch von dem Veteranen und japanischen Politiker Ichiro Ozawa unterstützt, der sowohl weithin als nordkoreanischer Agent und Handlanger Rockefellers angesehen wird (seine Mutter ist aus Nordkorea). (Jay Rockefeller schrieb das Vorwort zu seiner englischen Autobiographie).

Der Rockefeller Eintreiber Henry Kissinger aktiviert seine Vasallen in Japan, wie Ozawa, um sicherzustellen, dass KOIKE den unbeliebten Abe ersetzt, so sagen einige Quellen übereinstimmend.

Es gibt auch eine Saudi-Arabische und koreanische Verbindung zu dieser Kampagne, in Form des koreanischen Geschäftsmannes Masayoshi Son. Son ist jetzt auch Eigentümer der Fortress Investment Group, die wiederum Musashi Engineering besitzt, die Firma, die die Maschinen herstellt, die Japans Wahlen gestohlen haben. Denken Sie daran, dass es Son war, der vor kurzem 100 Milliarden Dollar von Saudi Arabien erhielt und dann Donald Trump 50 Milliarden Dollar angeboten hatte.


KOIKE spricht fließend Arabisch und ist in Japan bekannt für ihre freundlichen Beziehungen zum Nahen Osten, vor allem zu den dort Öl produzierenden Ländern. Es ist wahrscheinlich kein Zufall, dass KOIKE sagt, dass sie ist gegen die Kernenergie ist, da die Schließung von Japans Kernenergie-Generatoren bedeuten würde, dass Japan mehr Öl aus Saudi-Arabien kaufen wird, um das Stromnetz am Laufen zu halten.

KOIKE verspricht auch, die militärische Allianz Japans mit den USA zu verstärken. Sie tut dies, weil das gesamte japanische Sklaven-Establishment besorgt ist, wer Admiral Harry Harris als obersten U.S. Militär Kommandanten im Pazifik ersetzen wird. Es sollte eigentlich Admiral Scott Swift werden, aber der kündigte plötzlich seinen Ruhestand in der letzten Woche an, nachdem er sagte, er würde das Amt von Harris nicht übernehmen. nicht übernehmen.


Die Sklaven vom politischen Establishment in Japan sind sehr besorgt, dass der nächste Top Kommander den Empfehlungen der japanischen Sicherheits-Polizei folgt und die Verhaftung von 700 Khazarischen Sklaven, wie ehemalige Premierminister und ehemalige Banker der Bank of Japan anordnet. Ob die Verhaftungen stattfinden, hängt davon ab, wie KOIKE sich verhält, vorausgesetzt, Sie nimmt die Macht wie versprochen an.

Vor allem, müssen Sie und die Marionetten Politiker aufhören zu versuchen, den dritten Weltkrieg für Ihre Rothschild-Chefs zu starten. Stattdessen werden Sie gebeten, Frieden zu machen und einen Deal aus zu handeln, um die koreanischen Halbinseln wieder zu vereinen, sagen CIA-Quellen in Asien.

"Mit [Steven] Bannon als Schatten-Präsident ausserhalb des Weissen Hauses, und dem verdammten Kissinger, sind die Nationalisten bereit, die Globalisten und die Establishment Lakaien zu besiegen, um China in Schach zu halten", so sagen Pentagon Quellen verschlüsselt über die Situation.

Teil 2 folgt...

U.S. Nukes North Korea and Japan Decides to Dump PM Abe

Last week the U.S. Air Force dropped a nuclear weapon on a mountaintop close to North Korea’s nuclear test site as a warning to that country to stop its recent missile provocations, according to NSA sources. This was reported in the world’s media merely as U.S. bombers flying the furthest north of the demilitarized zone in the 21st Century.


This flight was followed by reports of a magnitude 3.5 earthquake close to where North Korea recently tested a hydrogen bomb. Contradictory media reports described this earthquake as either natural or the result of a nuclear explosion. In any case, North Korea did not brag about a new nuclear test after this event.


U.S. President Donald Trump appeared to be hinting at this attack with the following Tweets:
“I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary of State, that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man…. Save your energy, Rex; we’ll do what has to be done! Being nice to Rocket Man hasn’t worked in 25 years; why would it work now? Clinton failed, Bush failed, and Obama failed. I won’t fail.”

The nuclear attack on North Korea was followed by a decision by Asian secret societies, in coordination with Khazarian mafioso Henry Kissinger, to dump Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, say Asian secret society sources. That is why Abe called a general election on October 22nd, the sources say. Japan’s next designated prime minister, Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike, will be Japan’s first female prime minister, they add.

The Japanese corporate propaganda media is now preparing the way for an “upset victory” by Koike’s new party, with enhanced coverage of the Abe scandals and glowing coverage of Koike. Also, all the opposition parties, following orders, suddenly and unanimously decided to back Koike.

Koike also is backed by veteran Japanese politician Ichiro Ozawa, who is both widely seen as a North Korean agent (his mother is North Korean) and a Rockefeller stooge (Jay Rockefeller wrote the preface to his English autobiography). Rockefeller bagman Henry Kissinger is activating all of his vassals in Japan like Ozawa, to make sure Koike replaces the unpopular Abe, several sources concur.

There is also a Saudi Arabian and Korean connection to this campaign, in the form of ethnic Korean businessman Masayoshi Son. Son now owns the Fortress Investment Group, which in turn owns Musashi Engineering, the company that makes the machines that steal Japan’s elections. Remember, it was Son who recently was given $100 billion by Saudi Arabia and then offered $50 billion of it to Donald Trump.


Koike speaks fluent Arabic and is widely known in Japan as being friendly to the Middle East, especially its oil-producing countries. It is probably no coincidence that Koike is saying she is opposed to nuclear energy, since shutting down Japan’s nuclear power generators means Japan will have to buy more oil from Saudi Arabia to keep its power grid going.

Koike is also pledging to strengthen Japan’s military alliance with the U.S.. She is doing this because the entire Japanese slave establishment is worried about who is going to replace Admiral Harry Harris as the top U.S. military commander in the Pacific. It was supposed to be Admiral Scott Swift, but he suddenly announced his retirement last week after being told he would not take over from Harris.


The slave political establishment in Japan is terrified that the next top commander will follow the recommendations of Japan security police and arrest 700 Khazarian slaves like former prime ministers and former Bank of Japan governors. Whether or not the arrests take place will depend on what Koike does, assuming that she takes power as promised. In particular, she and the puppet politician establishment must stop trying to start World War 3 for their Rothschild bosses. Instead, they will be asked to make peace and reach a deal to reunify the Korean Peninsula, say CIA sources in Asia.

“With [Steven] Bannon as shadow president outside the White House, and flipping Kissinger to contain China, the nationalists are poised to defeat the globalists and establishment lackeys,” is what Pentagon sources cryptically said about the situation.

The other establishment lackey other than Abe who is said to have been given marching orders is UK Prime Minister Theresa May, according to CIA sources. May is set to be replaced by UK Labour Party leader (and 9/11 truther) Jeremy Corbyn, the sources say. “A deal has been made at the very top to allow Corbyn to proceed. If not, his people would have released the true story of Grenfell Towers,” the sources say. Over 400 died in that deliberate blaze, which was meant as a sacrifice to the satanic entity Molech, the sources explain.


Khazarian mob stronghold of Israel has also been “smacked down, as the USA refuses to recognize the illegal Kurd referendum,” Pentagon sources say. Furthermore, “Russia and China forced Interpol to accept Palestine so that Israeli criminals and Mossad terrorists can be arrested worldwide,” they add.

The Khazarians are also facing multiple defeats in their former U.S. stronghold. In Hollywood police are investigating the death of Playboy founder Hugh Hefner as murder because he was working out a plea deal to expose pedophilia, torture, human sacrifice, and other horrors carried out by the Hollywood elite, according to Pentagon and LA police department sources.


Also, in the southern U.S., “Cabal pawn Alabama Senator Luther Strange, backed by [Senate Majority leader Mitch] McConnell and the GOP machine, was defeated by Christian conservative Judge Roy Moore, backed by Bannon and the Trump base,” the Pentagon sources say.

“Trump was lukewarm about Luther and may have no choice but to fire son-in-law Jared Kushner for pushing him to back the wrong horse, [as well as for] using private emails, registering to vote as a female, and lying on his security clearances and financial disclosures, not to mention acting as an agent of Israel,” they add. Already Kushner’s access to Trump is being restricted by White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly.


Furthermore, “With a military junta running the White House, [top U.S. General Joseph] Dunford was approved unanimously by the Senate for a second two-year term as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,” the Pentagon sources note.

A Khazarian attempt to use the National Football League (NFL) to counterattack against the military by ordering players not to stand when the national anthem was played also failed badly.

This was how a Pentagon source described the situation: “The NFL, weaponized by Jewish Hollywood to wage war against not just the flag but the U.S. military, is now under boycott by patriots, not just against the league and teams but also against corporate sponsors like Nike, Ford, Pepsi, Visa, FedEx, Hyundai, Anheuser Busch, Microsoft, Dannon, McDonalds, and Procter & Gamble.”

The result was that “After Trump rallied his nationalist base, who quickly routed the Jewish-mafia NFL black protests, the Jewish-run National Basketball Association (NBA) got the message and ordered their mostly black players to stand for the national anthem,” the sources continue.

In another defeat for the Khazarians and their drug lords, U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Chief Chuck Rosenberg, a protégé of disgraced former FBI boss James Comey, was fired after the U.S. military killed his plans to merge the DEA with the FBI, they say.

The Khazarian campaign to use a geoengineered storm on Puerto Rico to disgrace the Trump regime has also failed badly. The Khazarians carried out a heavy campaign using fake Twitter accounts and propaganda media to portray Puerto Rico as a disaster and Trump as a racist for not helping. The reality was that the U.S. military provided all the necessary logistics to get Puerto Rico back on its feet in very short order. The only remaining problem is that the Khazarians are using their control of the financial system to shut down ATMs on the island. If you look at pictures of relatively minor damage in Puerto Rico on Spanish-language media outlets, you can see that English-language corporate media coverage is mostly false.


What is really going on, of course, is that Puerto Rico has not been paying off its bondholders so it was cut off from the Khazarian banking system. The U.S. military stepped in with logistics and cash money to rectify the situation.

However, the U.S. military junta, using Trump as a figurehead, still does not have full control over this president especially when it comes to economic policy. That is why Trump was able to unveil a tax plan last week that overwhelmingly favoured the richest 1% of U.S. society.


In addition, there is something weird going on with Trump’s relations with Canada and the UK. Last week UK’s Prince Harry displayed an unmistakable satanic hand sign for a long time while posing for media with Melania Trump in Canada.


CIA sources say this was a sign by Prince Harry that the Melania Trump he met was not the real Melania, but was a body double. MI5 sources say he was pointing out Melania as a satanist. Whatever the case, Trump followed up on Melania’s visit by imposing a 220% tariff on imports of Canadian passenger planes.


The nuking of North Korea, the trouble in Puerto Rico, and the de facto declaration of trade war with Number 1 U.S. trade partner Canada are all probably bluster. It’s linked to the fact the corporate government Trump represents went de facto bankrupt on September 30t and is now living on borrowed time.

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