
AMBASSiDOR EHANi: Ambient Music 432HZ Relaxing 9hz Binaural, Cosmic Creativity, Clear Focus & Rest

Ambient Music in 432hz tuning 9HZ Alpha Binaural 

Genre: Space, Ambient, New Age, Meditation 
1 hour Relaxing music for relaxation, reflection, healing. 

Stay Tuned for more Art, Music & Life Codes 

Activate your DNA TODAY ! 

With Healing Frequencies, Inner smiles & focusing on what YOU want to bring fourth in this time, YOU are a Creator, 
YOU are Creation, 
YOU are able to steer your life and reclaim your soul. 

Reclaim your cosmic identity, let go of labels and judgements from the outside, 
Realize YOU are every side, Inside, Outside, Any side, 
YOU are infinite, 
You Can Create. 

So GO Fourth Today. 
Make a move in the direction of your dreams. 
Make plans that will preserve and attune you; 
To the Harmonic Plan , 
The Harmonic Transition is Upon Above And Below; 
Sit, Breathe, Flow; Ask Spirit for guidance, Vision, Clarity, Vitality. 

Health Is Wealth 
Love IS Life 
Life IS Love. 
So Love , 
Give Love, 
Receive Love, 
Dissolve In Creators Love. 
Creative, Give, Co Create. 

Know Your Destiny To Be One And All . 
All Knowing Experiences 
All Spaces 
All Being 

ANU_LIFE_RECORDS Youtube Channel dedicated to Art, Music, Wisdom: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzOL... 
LIQUIDCRYSTALCODES: Art & downloadable Lightcodes ( Cosmic Art ) https://liquidcrystalcodes.deviantart...

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