
EARTH – Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library – Audiobook by Barbara Marciniak – 10-24-17

Universe Inside You

Published on Aug 31, 2017

The Pleiadians are back, with another bold and controversial look at our highest purpose on Earth. Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library is their handbook to inspired living, calling on us to restore and return value to the human being, and to recognize the Goddess energies and the power of blood as connections to our DNA and our heritage.

Using wit, wisdom, and deep compassion, they entice us to explore the corridors of time through the concept of the Game Masters; to awaken the crucial codes for multidimensional perspective; and to redream the Living Library of Earth. Their teachings are significantly arranged in twelve chapters to trigger a deeper understanding of our ancestral lineage. Earth probes the memories hidden deep within us to reveal our crucial roles in the transformational process unfolding in our times.

You can purchase Barbara Marciniak’s book – “Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library” from here: http://amzn.to/2vuZCSP (affiliate)

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Quelle: https://higherdensity.wordpress.com/2017/10/24/earth-pleiadian-keys-to-the-living-library-audiobook-by-barbara-marciniak-10-24-17/

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