
Interessante "Aurora Borealis" über Strezhevoye in Russland - 26.10.2017

Alexey Yakovlev took some images of an odd phenomenon in the sky over Strezhevoye, Tomsk Region in Russia on October 26, 2017 at the moment he and his friends observed the aurora borealis.

Image above and images below credit: Alexey Yakovlev - vk.com

The ball of light appeared at 22:08 local time in the west, floated to the east, then to the north before it gradually faded away.

At first he thought that it was a sort of radiance but after the unusual ball of light began to expand it became clear that it was not radiance and he became a bit scared before realizing that he probably accidentally took images of the secret launch of a rocket from Plesetsk.

And indeed, Russia did a successful test of its ‘Satan 2’ nuclear missile program. The rocket, (The RS-28 Sarmat) traveled about 5,900 kilometers before hitting its target on the Kura test range, created the odd but beautiful display in the sky.

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