
Benjamin Fulford: Past Presidents of Bankrupt U.S. Corporation Go on “Beg-athon” for Godfather Bush - 23.10.2017

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The dragnet is slowly but inexorably closing in on the Bush/Clinton (Scherf/ Rockefeller) Khazarian mafia clan and their Federal Reserve Board printing press. Multiple legal investigations, mass arrests of junior Khazarian mobsters, and public disclosure are now part of regular public discourse, and not just on blogs formerly maligned as “conspiracy” sites.

An interesting sign of the Khazarians’ desperation was the spectacle of George Bush Senior posing with four other former presidents (minus Donald Trump) of the United States Corporation as part of a “beg-athon.”

First, we must note that with computer graphics and body doubles it is hard to know if this event really took place. For example, multiple sources have told this writer that Bill Clinton (Rockefeller) died of AIDS early this year.

Nonetheless, assuming this event did really take place, this is what a senior CIA source in Texas had to say about it:

“The “beg-athon” in Texas is pure BS. Notice that the money goes through the George H.W. Bush (Scherf) Foundation. They are scamming money any way they can get it. The Khazarian mafia cabal must be really desperate.”

The causes of their desperation have been snowballing in recent weeks. Perhaps most deadly have been the ongoing disclosures about Khazarian genocides. This has started with the release of documents showing that the U.S. government was involved in the murder of over 500,000 Indonesians in the mid-1960s.

The Texas-based CIA source admits, “We removed [Indonesian President] Soekarno from power, and we put Soeharto into power.” He regrets that he was a part of the operation back them. His excuse: just doing what he was ordered to do by his boss at Langley.

President Donald Trump promised more disclosure in the following tweet, saying, “Subject to the receipt of further information, I will be allowing, as President, the long blocked and classified JFK files to be opened.”

Three separate sources—one NSA, one Pentagon, and one CIA—all said they did not believe Trump would release the real truth about the Kennedy assassination.

However, one senior Pentagon source who has been consistently reliable in the past said that “The Trump release of JFK files may implicate Bush Senior, Mossad, the CIA, and the deep state, and may be a prelude to an intel dump on 9/11, suppressed technology, the secret space program, and other disclosures prior to mass arrests.”

Long-term readers of this blog already know that JFK was assassinated because he was trying, using gold provided by Soekarno, to take control of the issuance of U.S. dollars away from the privately-owned Federal Reserve Board (FRB).

Pentagon sources are saying that in any case, “Khazarian control of the FRB is kaput, as Fed Governor Jerome (Jay) Powell may be chosen as the next FRB, beating the three Jews Gary Cohn, Janet Yellen, and Kevin Warsh, who is son-in-law of billionaire 9/11 conspirator and Israeli asset Ron Lauder…. Stanford PhD economist John Taylor may also be named to the FRB as Vice Chairman or Governor.”

The source continues by noting, “When the global currency reset happens, the FRB may be folded into [the U.S.] Treasury [Department] and issue gold-backed United States Notes (USN).

The Texas CIA source, who claims to hate Bush Senior but appears to be closely connected to him, says the Khazarian mafia was ready retaliate by taking drastic action, warning that “The entire Internet has a back door installed and the Khazarian mafia can and will...

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