
Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - October 21, 2017

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Hello. Happy to be back chatting with you and I have quite a few questions from folk about manifesting, if I may?

Welcome, Dearest Blossom and we are certainly of Joy to help in this way … for manifesting one’s desires can only help this world of yours become a better place.

One would hope. Thank you. Ok. Let me fire away.

1. What is the spiritual value in saying affirmations or meditating when we DO NOT KNOW what we are here to learn? All the humans that are downright nasty and "supposedly" in control of the masses are merely learning something for their Soul growth? Am I missing something here? We in turn are players in their game of corruption and murder; therefore, it is an honour for us to be here to serve? PLEASE EXPLAIN!!

We would answer by saying that your Higher soul DOES know what you are here to learn. It may be only one thing in particular, yet, the soul’s journey is Eternal and will never stop experiencing more of itself … as more of itself is created and therefore, bringing into play more that can be explored.

The Higher self is always in tune with that aspect of the soul that is on Earth. And by saying ‘in tune’ we mean … connected with … as in ‘knowing of the Energy resonance’ at any one given moment in time. Therefore, a simple way would be to simply ask for that which serves the soul for the Highest good of the ONE and the ALL.

With respect, we understand that your topsy turvy world cannot blend with the Higher thoughts and actions of those who have walked further into the Light and Love, and the lady expresses that you are all players in the game of murder and corruption etc.

Players in The Game, yes, yet, what part is it you choose to play? The Game you are in is ‘your call’ at any given time and as to how you choose to play it, is up to you. Many times have we suggested that you concentrate on the state of affairs of the self and not to be attached to the ‘wrong doings’ … for want of a better word … of another. Your finest position in this case is to send Light to such souls and circumstances, as you know.

We accept and understand it is not easy to be unattached to such Earthly basic goings on … yet, this indeed could be your role to do so. This is how the Energy is changed … to not be sucked in to such matters. For over and over, yet necessary to repeat , have we not said … ALL IS NOT AS IT SEEMS.

Your strength is to come from within by recognising this. We are not saying not to be caring in all of this. Yet, the Energy of caring is very different from the Energy of ...anxiety ... for instance.

And to finish on that … Yes … Everything that one chooses to think and act upon is for their soul’s growth. Be it what one may think to be of good or bad … It is the journey of the individual … the path they choose to walk, that is THEIR business and THEIR outcome.

If there were to be a ‘time limit’ on ALL THAT IS … perhaps we would be speaking differently in order to ‘Get things right’. Yet, there is not. There is FOR EVER … to play The Game as one chooses. A choice of each individual soul as to what ‘floats their boat’ at any given life experience.

Or, whatever blows their blouse up, as I Love to say! Ok. Again thank you.

2. It seems that when we want something, should we want it, but not want it too much? Is it easier to manifest this way? TRYING does not seem to be the ticket, but gently allowing is? Why not just continue to 'Let Go and Let God, Not My will but Thy Will.' and trust!

Many thanks too for this ‘pondering’. As difficult as this may be for some to accept … MY WILL IS GOD'S WILL. Because GOD/LOVE IS CREATION. No matter what it is creating.

Yet surely, God/Love doesn’t want one to create a mass murder, for instance?

Blossom … God does not Judge.


LOVE CANNOT JUDGE … IT JUST … IS … LOVE … in its inexplicable amount of variants and forms.


There is a resonance of Energy within Everything. The Energy can resonate/vibrate on a high or low level … (extremes of ) There is no judgement made, because GOD/LOVE is not a person. GOD/LOVE is unable to say what is right wrong or indifferent, because EVERYTHING IS GOD/ LOVE and therefore, EVERYTHING is an expression of GOD/ LOVE.

To go back to the ‘Let go and let God’. Yes, there is much value in the Trusting of this … and yet, we would state that there is also, the desires of one that are being asked to be met in order to bring Happiness to the self. For Happiness brings in a HIGH Vibration, which then in turn, serves not only the soulself, yet, The Whole.

To ‘Make one’s order’ out to GOD/LOVE is simply asking for one’s requirements … and THEN … WHEN … the need has been asked for … can one Trust and let go … in the KNOWING these needs will be met.

At the end of the day, Blossom … the actual ‘material’ needs are not what one is seeking, one just thinks they are … and that such material Joys will bring Joy. When in actual fact … one is seeking only for PEACE, HAPPINESS AND UNDERSTANDING. If one were to put out requirements for these things alone, they would find, not only all their soul requirements were fulfilled, yet, all the material 'toys' that come along with that.

Many thanks.ok.

3. I have been taught by spirit (through others) that you cannot manifest what you are not supposed to have. For example; if you've come to the Earth to experience the life of a pauper, or one that involves living from hand to mouth, then no amount of wishing to win the lottery will change that. Is that the case or has that all changed now?

If a soul has chosen to live the life of a pauper then circumstances will always be presented for this to be so. A soul will have chosen a paupers life to experience it … not to experience suffereing per sais … This is tricky to describe. The same soul may have experienced many lifetimes full of riches and pleasures and ‘for it’s growth’ … to fulfil its inquisitiveness , it may have decided to ‘be a pauper’ for an entire life time … Not to make suffering it’s goal … yet, maybe to bring about compassion in others .. to experience life from a different angle, to FEEL how others react to one with and one without riches.

Do you see? It is not, when one chooses a life time , that they feel they must suffer, or repay some karmic debt … it is TO EXPERIENCE something else … To FEEL something different from that which they already have.

And, of course, Blossom … in EACH AND EVERY LIFE TIME … the one thing in common, the one thing that FEELS the same … is LOVE.

When one expresses LOVE for another soul, for another living thing, it FEELS the same , whether one is a multi - billionaire, or whether one has not two coins to rub together.

I’m going to throw something in here. At what point does a soul decide to stop the Earthly Game? Is it up to each soul to say they have had enough and try something else? I have heard, yet, it doesn’t resonate for me, that one gets trapped in the Earthly cycle and can’t get off.

We do not resonate with such things either, dear friend. Again … fear can bring about strange thoughts, when the one who produced such thoughts has the intention of creating more fear.

From our perspective ... When a soul is ‘through’ with experiencing life on Earth, then it can choose to ‘Go elsewhere’ or just remain ‘AS IS’ … until such time when one desires to ‘become’ something else. To individualise itself, so to speak … in any shape or form that it desires. It really is that simple … in essence.

However, there are discussions and advise ALWAYS, as to whether a particular decision will serve the soul to its Highest level. ‘Coming from’ the place the soul is happily residing in, yet, ready to ‘set sail’ once again, the pros and cons to such a journey would be wisely taken into account and acted upon FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL. And to set the mind a reeling, we would say … no matter WHAT that journey may entail or appear to be from the perspective of another that is looking on!

We would also say that there may come a time when one is ‘done’ with a certain experience be it Earthly or otherwise and there is no need for it to revisit. Yet, one may do so … in order to perhaps, assist another along their path.

Endless, endless, endless possibilities Blossom.

At the end of the day ... we like that phrase …

I noticed …

We would conclude by saying that, for the pleasure and enjoyment and fulfilment for/of self … GO FOR IT. FOR THE FUN OF IT!

Watch how all you desire falls into your lap. It is a SURE sign of letting you know you are on track and resonating on the Vibration that serves you well.

REMEMBER Dearest Soul's … THIS IS A GAME … Play it how you may … for indeed … that is your choice and freedom to do so.




VISUALISE AND MANIFEST HEAVEN ON EARTH … and watch it appear before your very eyes.


And WE Love you. Many thanks .

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can. http://youtu.be/MYeqbshjgmA

Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_DDBfwTX1g&feature=youtu.be

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can. http://youtu.be/MYeqbshjgmA

The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is http://www.youtube.com/user/isjaabmo

Website: Blossom Goodchild

The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is here.

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