
Blossom Goodchild - October 14, 2017

[Google Übersetzung in deutsch]

Welcome to you. I am raring to go, so let’s see what wisdom is to be shared today?

Welcome to you also, Dearest Blossom. We are certainly keen to continue our conversations with you and we are aware of a question you shall pose from a gentleman follower.

Many thanks.

The FOL (and other sources) say that the power to manifest has never been stronger or more powerful than now. However, given that our 'Higher Self' is presumably in charge, no matter what, then is it not true that as much as we consciously try and manifest (eg, trying to create a new job, attract more money, find a partner etc.), if any of these 'wishes' are not in alignment (at this time) with our 'Higher Purpose', as controlled by our 'Higher Self', then none of these manifestations will come to pass, no matter how powerfully or passionately we try to create them? If this is true, then it kinda defeats the purpose of us trying to manifest down here in 3D land, and instead we may as well just sit back and relax and follow the path pre-prepared for us.

We thank the gentleman for this inquiry for indeed, it is an interesting supposition. Let us explain as best we can, in that, that which one decides to ‘want next’ is simply another step along the journey of life, the journey of the soul. Its choices come and go, and it really is very much the epitome of ‘playing The Game’. Having fun and moving forward, sideways, yet, never backward.

The Higher Self wants for you the very best, as pointed out. Yet, it is also ‘happy’ for you to create anything that your Earthly self desires, because from that experience, no matter what it is, one shall expand, learn and grow.

In essence, the ‘wants and desires’ of a soul, MUST BE the ‘wants and desires’ of the Higher soul, leading on through thought, into the aspect of soulself that resides within the body at this time.

May I interrupt here by saying that, for instance, surely the Higher Self of a soul (on Earth) who desires to kill another or many, is not keen for the Earthly aspect of the soul to do so?

Yet Blossom, it is an integral part of that soul’s journey … to eventually become in fullness who he/she is, BY travelling along any particular chosen path in order to experience themselves … in order to experience LIFE.

So, would the Higher Self be encouraging that? Surely not, Scott!

It is not a matter of encouraging. It is a matter of freedom of choice, which one was Gracefully given when volunteering and being chosen to reside upon your Planet.

So, is the aspect of self upon Earth in control over The Higher Self?

It is one and the same. We realise it is difficult to understand.

I can feel you trying to put all this in order of ‘appearance’ so to speak. Let’s take it slow.

Many thanks to you Blossom. It is indeed so very awkward to translate into words that which will make sense of the situation.

It is one and the same because EVERYTHING IS ONE AND THE SAME! EVERYTHING is FROM/OF the ONE ENERGY that exists … Love. This you know. This we have talked about many, many, many, many times.

Yet, the Energy that IS your Higher Self is of a much greater ‘degree of Loving Pure Energy’ than that which is living and encased within the physical body in which you reside, upon the Energetic degree of Mother Earth.

Here we would like to state that it is not the Energy of Mother Earth ‘Herself’ that we are talking about, yet, the Energy that has ‘come upon it’ that we speak of.

It is this Energy that has dampened down your TRUE Energy.

Ok. So, is our Higher Self our God self?

Every part of everything is THE GOD SELF … resonating on/at different frequencies of Vibration.

Would we say that your Higher Self is of a Purer essence, because it is able to be, because … it is not residing within the dense Energies of your Planet.

So, back to the question … to manifest that which we want upon Earth is possible ( no matter what it is) because our Higher Self, although more knowledgeable from the position in which it resides … ‘allows’ us to basically have free rein, so that we can experience that which ‘we think’ is good for us.

Would you like our job, Blossom?

Actually, I often feel that what I say is often you, feeding it through me, in order to help these conversations flow.

For, we are One and the same! Again, we shall revert back to that which we have said many times before … in that, if it be the case that ‘nothing matters’ … which is so … then ALL and EVERYTHING is just another experience, no matter HOW /WHAT /WHY /WHEN it takes place … it is just LIFE unfolding throughout EVERY conceivable possibility.


KNOW THAT YOU WILL BE WATCHED OVER, and if it be so that a job /partner/ home/ etc. is not the best of that desire that is awaiting you, a way will be found ‘Universally’ to divert the circumstances, in order for one to then walk into the Highest Good of that same intention.

I’m a little confused. So, the Higher Self IS in control of what is best for us?

No. The Higher self WANTS what is best for you, in that which you have asked for. The best of the best … depending on YOUR beliefs of what CAN come to you … and as you well know … this takes place through the Vibrational KNOWING that, that which you ask for shall be received.

I know this is ‘way out there’, and Lord alone knows why I am going down this dodgy avenue, yet, does that then mean that The Higher Self will find the best way for a soul to kill another, if that is their intention?

What it means Blossom is that the Higher Self will present a circumstance to that soul … IF that is the way a soul wishes to walk.

Yet, what about the poor soul that is wiped out? Surely that is not on their list of ‘Things to do today’. 1. Get killed! (I know the answer here, yet, I am feeding you this to assist those who don’t. With respect.)

The soul who is to be ‘wiped out’ as you put it, has already agreed with the soul who is to do the deed that this is to take place. One would say, it is an honorary position. In that, by offering oneself up in this way, they are assisting not just the soul who is to take the action, yet many, many who are affected by such action.

Although I knew this … it sure is a sacrifice is it not?

It all depends on how you look upon sacrifice. Life continues on forever and ever, whether or not you are ‘dead or alive’ upon your particular Planet!

It is interesting how these conversations travel in many directions. So, because I have no idea really where we are at, at this point in the conversation, I would like to add another question if I may?


It seems that many are still struggling with what are termed as ‘Ascension symptoms’. Is forgetfulness, short term memory loss, one of them?

Yes, only in that the rewiring that is occurring within your ‘every part of Being’ is being upgraded. Little, inconsequential activities can be dismissed, whilst such VAST CHANGES are taking place on so many levels.

Another wrote in to say that you had mentioned that the next three to four months will bring a Lightness in and things would be effortless. Yet, many are still feeling such a heaviness of Being. Is everyone feeling this way still, or just some?

Dearest souls, the releasing and letting go of ‘old’ can be quick and painless or slow and painful, depending on, once again … the soul’s journey … the soul’s attitude. This is one of the reasons being played out. There are those who are choosing ‘underneath it all’ to hang on to the old, besides the fact that are so very keen to let go of it. It is a surrendering of self to the new … and is acted out in many different ways. We suggest for those who feel they are ready to let go, yet, are still experiencing the old, that they are transmuting now, not for themselves, yet, for the Energy that is ‘hanging around’ and in need of either dispersing altogether, or changing into Light.


Many may also be experiencing ‘symptoms’ of thoughts that are estranged from that which they know themselves to be. This too, is an example of ‘releasing and transmuting’ FOR THE WHOLE.

Part of the reason you came. To do this FOR THE WHOLE.

Did you not come down to Planet Earth to move her up into the TRUTH of Herself?


You do not JUST have the ONE JOB of seeing yourself through into this Higher position.

YOU ARE ONE… and therefore, you are serving FOR THE WHOLE and this involves ‘taking on board’ … ailments and negative thoughts of others … just for a split second, in order to recognise them for what they are and then ridding the Earth of them with that recognition … and allowing them to pass on through in the KNOWING you have either transformed or released them … for The Highest Good of all.

So, Dearest Ones, if you look upon this heaviness of mind, body and soul in this way … then you can give thanks for them ‘coming to you’, so that you can work your magic and do what has to be done, without it ‘getting a grip’ … so to speak. Once you KNOW this is the case … it can be resolved in the blink of an eye … and if it should take longer than that ... then recognise that the particular experience presented is in need of more Love being sent ‘through it’, rather than feel defeated by it.

Well, I think that will be very helpful to many. Thank you so much.

The pleasure is all ours.

Oh no, it’s not. So much of it is mine also, and those who are blessed to read your messages.

We are ONE. To finish we would add, that when we spoke of things in the next three or four months becoming Lighter and Brighter … we mean what we say. You will find this particular shift to BE A SHIFT WITH A LIFT!

Lovin’ ya style Crocodile! In Love and thanks. As always, an honour to serve.

Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_DDBfwTX1g&feature=youtu.be

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.


The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is http://www.youtube.com/user/isjaabmo

Website: Blossom Goodchild

The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is here.

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