
Mike Quinsey - 13 October 2017

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Foreword by Mike Quinsey.

Of late I have been reading Kryon’s messages that are undoubtedly the most informative of the present time, covering the immediate years ahead. They often focus on the changes that have been taking place since the end of the last Age - 2012, and the many more changes that are to come including the path to Ascension. The messages are clear that we must literally forget what we have been taught prior to 2012, as a new paradigm has commenced, revealing many truths that have not hitherto been made known to us. It seems quite clear to me that we have what you may call a “one off” opportunity to move off the old path onto the new one, if we wish to move into the higher dimensions and leave behind the lower vibrations, and the need for re-incarnation. With that in mind I am putting together extracts from Kryon’s recent messages that relate to the “Innate” which is probably new to many of you. It is important that you try to adapt your thinking to what is required to follow the new path to the higher levels of vibration.

Extracts from the messages of Kryon relating to the Innate are mainly from:

“KRYON 2017. Teaches exactly how to instruct your cells to heal.

Innate – your second brain in quantum synchronicity.

Innate is programmed for spiritual survival. Innate comes from inside each of us. Every single thing comes from the God within. Spontaneous Remission is by Innate, but it will not work where there is a negative response. Innate wants what is good for you and makes you comfortable. Innate is connected to your Higher Self and Akashic Record of the Human Being. Your brain keeps you alive.

Say the following affirmations out loud “Today I will release things that do not work, or keep me from moving forward” Say also “Release anything that defines what I am that is not majestic to my body” or tell Innate out loud, “I release all things in my Akash that keep me from seeing my magnificence, today”. Science finds that cells “listen” and the chemistry is created by consciousness. You have free choice and Innate knows it, and awaits instructions. Innate knows all about your past lives, and it will do what you tell it but you must speak out loud.

Innate is not a brain function and is not centralised, it is as one “Smart Body Innate” Innate is a field and body wise anywhere that DNA exists, and is tuned into it and keeps you alive. It is the governor of what you need. Innate is connected to the Higher Self. The Corporeal Body (of a material nature – physical) is the one the brain controls and is beginning to create a bridge to the Innate through intuition) and there will eventually become a time where you will be your own medical insurers, you will know not only what is going on in your body, but also your Akash. Innate is programmed for spiritual survival, and is intelligent and knows what you need. Prime Directive of Innate is to do everything it can for you to allow an awakening to take place. The Prime Directive is spiritual survival and everything is designed around it to push you forward in any way possible to allow an awakening, and for Humanity to go across the bridge and move into an ascended planet status. It is spiritual awareness and that is what Innate is for, and in the process Innate crosses the bridge with Corporeal chemistry, and in very, very different ways Innate is responsible for spontaneous remission.

How can you have a disease disappear overnight, how is it possible that the Corporeal Body can react and cleanse itself overnight of something so unbalanced. How can tissue grow at an accelerated rate to appear overnight? I have just given you things the hospital can check over and over, and that they have x-rayed. You would say it is a miracle – No! it is Innate that is the power you have. When the Innate starts to build a bridge to the Corporeal Self the Human Being as you know it disappears, and the one that takes its place will have a long life and even repair itself - even grow limbs back. That was the very way it was designed and Dear Ones, it should make sense to you. Innate is your second brain and responds to acupuncture, and everything starts to change but the Great Central Sun. You get attributes of your past lives through the Innate. It can go in and pull out the things and place them on to your cellular structure. Innate knows you, so build a bridge between your human consciousness and Innate. You can become your own medical intuitive. Everything will start to change and you will know you are not from Earth, but the Great Central Sun. Innate creates emotion and can change every cell in your body. Karma is pulled forward through the veil, it is an energy of unfinished business. You will have to re-program Innate now that the old paradigm has finished, so ask it to drop your karma.

Homeopathy – Innate awareness.

Homeopathy, is not scientific, it requires a small remedy that is designed for each individual and what ails you, and your biology is designed to “listen” to what you are saying. A Homeopathy remedy is designed especially for you and your body follows the instructions, it is a system that works and millions use it. Innate sees your intent and with “Innate Awareness” it happens. It is part of the new Humans, and in every single Human Being there is a beautiful system of it that acts upon what you give it. It is chemistry at its best and your body is standing by to help. It is in the DNA and is tied up with the Innate, your Akash and your Higher Self. Innate wants what is good for you. It is a beautiful system of awareness. Slowly over time you will start feeling the Shift, and you will know it works.

Reset your body and tell it to “Release everything inappropriate for the beauty of whom I am” also “Today I will lose all inappropriate things”. and “I release all that keeps me from moving forward” also “I release anything that defines who I am” and “I release information that is not magnetic to my body” and “I release any or all things in my Akashic records that would keep me from feeling my magnificence today” Experiments in science show that all cells listen to your consciousness.

Thanks to Kryon through Lee Carroll for this enlightening information.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light

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