
Montague Keen - October 8, 2017

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Facing the fact that humanity has been systematically targeted since the Council of Nicea is not easy. I tell you that the evidence of this is all around you, apart from the lies told to you about the mythical Jesus born in Nazareth, that never happened. The real Jesus Christ lived 350 years before. He never died on a cross, he ascended into heaven. Everything the Vatican has told you is most certainly untrue. The Vatican ‘story’ captured the minds of the people, nearly 2000 years ago, since they did not have access to information as you do, today. Christianity is based on a lie. The evidence of this is available. It has been used to wipe out millions of people and hold you hostage to this day.

Another crime against humanity carried out by the Vatican, was to cream off all the brightest minds for the priesthood. THIS ENSURED THE CLEVEREST MINDS NEVER REPRODUCED. They were under the control of the Vatican. How clever was that, my friends. The Vatican controlled all the great thinkers, and through this, they were able to control humanity. The Vatican is a Zionist organisation hiding behind the veil of Christianity. It is evil to its core. The destruction of humanity was its aim all those years ago, and it still is.

Look at those who call themselves JEWS. They maximised their clever children, they ensured their success. This is why today, almost all the clever scientists, whether in medicine or business, all seem to be Jews. It was designed by the Vatican to be so. The whole of the human race has been their victims.

The Jesuits are a Jewish organisation hiding behind the facade of piety and prayer. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Vatican is the seat of evil on the Earth. It has always been so. This was kept well hidden from you. Now, as you uncover the truth, unpleasant facts must be faced. The whole world was conned by the Vatican. WHEN YOU UNCOVER THE BODIES OF ALL THE INNOCENT CHILDREN KILLED IN SACRIFICE TO MOLOCH IN THE VATICAN, YOU WILL BE HORRIFIED. THOSE LITTLE BODIES ARE HIDDEN EVERYWHERE IN THE VATICAN. This is why they control Vatican City with an iron fist, so that their sins/crimes against humanity will remain THEIR LITTLE SECRET. How many of you have ever looked at the true history of the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church. It will shock all those of you who are victims of their propaganda. Humanity will survive, in spite of the Vatican, whose days are numbered.

The Cabal struggles to survive. You are seeing false flag events becoming more frequent. That they are false flags becomes more evident every day. The Cabal’s desire to take over America becomes more desperate every day. Their desire to take the guns from the people so that they cannot protect themselves, has become of paramount importance to the Cabal. They are even using their Hollywood stooges to try to con you into giving up your right to own a gun. You know in your souls that the moment you hand over your guns, America is toast. The Cabal wants America for itself. They have no respect for the American people, whom they see as surplus to requirements. However, a takeover has already happened in America which the people do not seem to be aware of yet; their Government does not serve the American people. Its loyalty is to another country, and the Government is a part of the handover of America to that foreign power. They are TRAITORS and should be seen as such.

Learn to see yourself as part of the human race, proud of who you are, and your origins etc, standing together when necessary against the enemy of humanity. Come out of your boxes: stop speaking as a teacher, a doctor, a farmer, a politician, when the occasion requires; instead, speak as a human being. You were forced into boxes TO REDUCE YOUR POWER. It is a clever ploy, but one you must recognise, as it holds you in bondage. Always be prepared to stand as ONE when the occasion demands it. You are winning the battle to survive, to expose all that has held you hostage. You have survived all the Cabal has done to you. Lesser people would have given up, but you are connecting with who you are and why you are on Earth at this time. Believe in yourself and you will succeed, and you will proceed to create a better future for all of humanity. Always remember that a cornered rat is at its most dangerous, so be alert at all times.

The time has come to remove all that is dark and corrupt from the Earth. Do not allow yourself to be conned by church or state. Those dark days are over. It is time to be brave and to stand together to create a just world for all. Please pray that all that was put in place for this time will happen as planned.

Nostradamus wrote of this time, 350 years ago. Now, it is up to you to put those plans into action. The Cabal is fully aware of such plans, so they have taken steps to try to prevent those plans coming to fruition. While you were induced to watch TV, sport, and music, the Cabal was busy trying to prevent the human race from freeing itself from bondage. One day soon, you will see clearly how humanity fell into every trap that the Cabal set for it. Now, as you free yourselves, be prepared to work together. Help those whose purpose is to free humanity, but who find themselves incarcerated all over the world by the Cabal. Pray that the truth will be revealed.

Reach out to each other. Do not walk by on the other side. No man is an island. You need each other now as never before. Free yourself by removing the shackles of state and religion. Return to Source with joy in your soul and love in your heart.

Pray for the survival of humanity and the removal of all that is corrupt. Pray for Dave McCann, whose innocence is affirmed by us, on this side of life. Pray for all those like Dave, who have been locked up by the Cabal all over your world. They need your help.

My dear, it is indeed a struggle to survive. The damage to your property is done to scare you, to force you to stop. Knowing that there are entities damaging things all around you is difficult.

Be strong, my dear. You know that you are.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Justice for Dave McCann. Irishman framed in California | Legal Expenses Fundraising with GoGetFunding

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

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