
Sandra Walter: Gatekeeper Journal: Update from the Councils of Light - 11.10.2017

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Blessings Beloved Light Tribe

I AM blessed to be back at my post in Mount Shasta. Three days after my return, I was guided to participate in the opening of new crystalline pathways, utilizing the mountain’s unique dynamics as a hyperdimensional Gateway.

It is interesting to witness the subtle differences between sacred access points. Mount Shasta holds holographic crystalline templates for the Christ consciousness and the New Earth Ascended realities. 

Since the eclipse, Gatekeepers have been opening pathways to the new crystalline Earth experience.

Everywhere I traveled was open and receiving these higher frequencies, completely connected to the Crystalline grid activation, Trinity Stargates and New Earth grid systems. Our unified activities are witnessed, and the sensations are palpable for resonant hearts regardless of location.

That said, I just had lucid and lengthy interaction the Higher Councils of Light, the beautiful benevolent ones overseeing this Divine unfoldment of Ascension. Many of us are those beings at a higher level, and the multidimensional awareness of the Christ consciousness makes this a much clearer, present experience. Galactic and Universal levels are merging in the Now awareness; and yet they still present as fractals of unique expression.

All are unified across dimensions and densities, collapsing into the singular purpose of revealing the Divine Ascension. We witness this unification reflected in our lower realities; the High-Vibe Tribe willingness to co-create the crystalline/Christ embodiment right Now.

Change in SUNlight, Transformation of the Heart Center

The availability and increasing influx of 5D frequencies is a result of traversing the border of this Sacred geometric area of the Galaxy which causes dimensional/density/consciousness shifts. (Revisit the Cosmic factors affecting our Ascension article for the complete list.)

The change in SUNlight since the Equinox is visible and palpable. Solaris is transforming as the pure photonic light within this Sacred container, encoded for Ascension, is traversed. To the lower reality it appears like a change in the quality of SUNlight. This is a result of us crossing the border of this sacred geometry. We are now in it, and the affect on consciousness grows increasing evident in the lower realities.

This area of highly-charged photonic particles creates Divine order, and frees consciousness from denser realities. While it is an individual choice of experience, the multidimensional unification is creating collective experiences for all willing Hearts in resonance with the experience of Christ/Crystalline consciousness and an Ascended state of BEingness.

October Waves: Witness the Emerging Pattern

The Gateways which opened last Friday will surge a new level of Light through the collective all week, shifting us again in this ever-increasing Divinitization process. It is linked to another collective choice-point on October 21-25. Notice the pattern: Influxes designed to integrate the previous month’s activations are delivered early in the month, then another transformation unfolds around the 21-25. The same will occur in November and December. Yes it all ongoing, all unfolding in the Now moment.

Dates are provided for collective focus, as grounded Gatekeepers, Gridworkers and Lightworkers serve as multidimensional conduits. Cosmic Stargate alignments happen with or without lower collective focus, however acceleration of our co-creative intent for the New is amplified when we align with these passages. It is similar to the SUNday Unity Meditations; focal points are provided as an opportunity to increase multidimensional influence on collective realities.

Those embodying this miraculous Presence of Divine Self are dissolving the linear experience on behalf of many. We are dissolving density through our experience and the ability to activate the Crystalline Divine HUman, in this now moment. We collectively work in tandem with cosmic factors and the Higher Realms at trigger-points which traverse timelines and dimensional expressions. It collapses the linear into the Now, where the miraculous may occur.

Recalibration: Supporting Embodiment in the Now

Yet another leveling up is unfolding in the Now. Let us fully support the embodiment of the crystalline Divine HUman DNA, which is encoded for the Christ experience.

I was guided to begin fasting and cleansing on SUNday, to support the DNA transitions and detoxification affects of this influx. The sensation of as above, so below, as within so without, becomes quite evident as embodiment reveals our higher service of Divine order. Our choices reflect – and amplify by conscious choice – the larger cosmic operations.

Detoxifying cleanses and fasts open the cellular structure to DNA recalibration. It is a simple time-honored technique to clarify awareness, feel and receive higher light. I AM feeling the effects already, and the availability of DNA support is palpable. Hydrate to flush out the old. For those who have been eating more since the eclipse, or having unusual cravings, this is a moment to pause that activity and allow the body to reset. It may also clarify emotional impulses or external factors attempting to limit Divine DNA activation.

Fasting and cleansing allows the body to focus on transformation. Give yourself the opportunity to experience something new. Whatever your belief systems are about how the body functions, we ask you to experiment with this. A day, three days, a week; play with this. We are rebalancing and realigning with the highest trajectory, highest Christed timelines. Give your body the opportunity to reflect your higher consciousness. Again, embodiment changes the collective realities.

Consciously bilocate Divine DNA into your cells; visualize, command, decree, and use your Divine HUman creator BEingness to make it a reality. It is yours; reclaim it. Connect with the new crystalline pathways, through the SUN and into the Gaia realities via the crystalline and New Earth grid systems. If guided, connect with the Gateways of Mount Shasta, many Higher Level Teams are focusing on her right now. You do not have to be on the mountain in the physical in order to receive this.

Heart-based thoughts, actions, emotions, and words. As we turn the volume up on the 5D frequencies, all is amplified to sort out vibrations. Pure positive intent/cause creates pure positive feedback/effect. Make it easier for the collective; create from a solution-based, end-result-is-miraculous perspective.

Sleep: A reminder from our post-eclipse direction; many of these frequencies can only be integrated through sleep state. Before you go to sleep, request Highest-level assistance for complete recalibration to the highest level you can maintain. Call in all Divine aspects of Self (create this for yourself, you are capable) to activate the highest quality crystalline Divine HUman DNA while you sleep. Do this before you meditate as well. All of the basics apply here: Sleep in complete darkness, play Solfeggio frequencies or similar vibrations (or silence if you prefer the inner soundtrack). Grid your sleep space with high-vibrational crystals and connect with them before nodding off. Creating an Ascension chamber out of your sleep space is a potent way to work with a multidimensional self while the body undergoes transformation. It is not absolutely necessary, simply supportive of amplification. Higher-dimensional healing and transformation chambers are created in the higher realms; we reflect this activity in the here and Now. Remember your Creator skills.

Move the body: Joyful movement encourages DNA to utilize the body’s meridians and energy fields for transformation. Dance, walk, yoga, get outside, whatever your expression enjoys. It takes very little effort to realign in this New light.

Connection with nature is ideal for receiving and aligning with the pure, organic Ascension frequencies. Source is beaming the new through all facets of creation. Primary timeline experiences are already available, get outside and feel it.

Soul Group Observations

During the Unity Meditations on SUNday, I again experienced the vision and lucid awareness of raising entire Soul groups into the Ascended Unity consciousness. For those experiencing this activity of pulling all willing Hearts into the New, I deeply honor this perspective from Oversoul level. More crowns were distributed as well; that is a consistent activity in our unifications. Again, the fractals are reorganizing into Oneness, making this experience available for prepared, open Hearts.

To those beloved starseeds serving as conduits of the embodiment of the return of Christ/crystalline/unity consciousness, we send strength, gratitude and Divine assistance your way. Embodiment provides possibilities to the entire collective on Gaia; love and honor this experience of embodying the crystalline presence. Gratitude and Divine Neutrality serve us well. Explore the highest levels of LoveLight creation. We demonstrate the creation of new realities by example. As we infuse these crystalline frequencies into the lower collective realities, we open the pathways to the New Earth experience (and beyond).

All BEings in Service to the Pure Organic Ascension

Beloveds, you are witnessed. Deep bows and gratitude for dedication and endurance. Together we co-create the miraculous, and invite all to the experience of embodiment. Let us walk through this final phase of 2017 with clarity of intent and consciously embrace the Divinity of Ascension.

In Love, Light and Service,

“Gatekeeper Journal: Update from the Councils of Light,” by Sandra Walter, October 10, 2017, at http://www.sandrawalter.com/gatekeeper-journal-update-from-the-councils-of-light/

Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution

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