
12.22 - Q/Executive Order/Uranium One/FBI/Pedogate News & More!

Disclosing the Secret Space Program webinar - https://www.secretspaceprogram.com/si... 

Today's Links: Latest 8chan Q board - http://bit.ly/2l1l8GJ 
Google CEO quits - https://goo.gl/ab1CvH 
White House Executive Order - https://goo.gl/kkMNDR 
List of people on Executive Order - https://goo.gl/hq9zzN 
Sessions orders more Uranium One probing - https://goo.gl/jnk15J 

Lawmakers to investigate Obama efforts to derail campaign targeting Hezbollah - https://goo.gl/Hzc9gP 

FBI foils San Fran terror plot planned for Christmas - https://goo.gl/9AX7Hv 
Smoke closes Dallas airport - https://goo.gl/hCCm2x 
Did The Bushes Try To Hide Their Connection To The Second Mile? - https://goo.gl/8jPBme Facebook ditches fake news warnings - https://goo.gl/WsxgKa 
Ancient fossil microorganisms indicate that life in the universe is common - https://goo.gl/W96L9R 

Twitter @destroyillusion Snapchat @destroyillusion Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! - http://bit.ly/2hURz9b 

Support me on Patreon - https://goo.gl/qipbjt 
Support me on PayPal - https://goo.gl/wGZbmG 

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