
Anrita Melchizedek: The Diamond Light Code Template Activations

The Diamond Light Code Template Activations 

By Anrita Melchizedek 
Music by Frits Evelein 
Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/free-downloads 

Welcome precious hearts, I would like to invite you to listen to this lovely transmission on the Diamond Light Code Templates. Essentially the Diamond Light Code Templates carry the frequency of the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light, the collective Higher Light of all awakened Souls, as well as the individual energy of our I Am Presence. Through the Diamond Light Codes Templates, we deepen into the New Earth frequencies and Universal Truths of this Golden Age of Light. Each Diamond Light Code Template ignites a deep sense of knowing and belief and understanding within us as we deepen our purity and innocence, while drawing us closer in frequency to our Beloved I Am Presence and Mother-Father God. Each template brings through its own unique multi-universal quantum frequency, lifting us into the next level of our Soul’s forward evolution, our blossoming, magnificence and Light. ◊֍◊◊֎◊֎◊◊◊֍◊֎◊֎◊ 

Let us start by setting our sacred space, for these Diamond Light Code Template Activations, as we come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart, bringing our awareness and consciousness into our bodies as these Temples of Light. Breathing deep into the body now, expanding the lower abdomen as we breathe in, and contracting the lower abdomen as we breathe out ~ breathing in Love, breathing out Love ~ breathing in through the nose, and out through the nose or mouth ~ breathing in Love, breathing out Love. And just starting to find a rhythm and balance through the breath, into this deepening sense of Love, as these Flames of Divinity. 

You have a sense now of all these beautiful Beings of Light from On High joining you, as you connect into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, and to your Beloved I AM presence, the highest aspect of your Soul Light within the Cosmic Heart of God. Focusing now on the crown chakra, having a sense of the antakarana, this fluorescent tube of Light that activates multi-dimensionally from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, coming down through the crown chakra, down the spine, and out the perineum center into the earth chakra center ~ bringing through now this beautiful energy of the diamond frequency of this Ray of Innocence and Purity, as it wraps around you and moves through the crown chakra, around the pineal, pituitary, hypothalamus and thalamus glands, into the heart chakra, and now into the earth heart chakra. 

As these Diamond Light Codes start to ignite now through the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, you come deeper into your own Christed Heart, your heart chakra, into a deepening sense of these multi-dimensional realities of One Unity Consciousness and Divine Love, knowing that all is unfolding perfectly as you walk the Path of Divine Love. Taking a moment now to place your hands upon your hearts energetically, or physically as you say to yourself, “I love you (giving your full name now), I love you, I love you”. ◊֍◊◊֎◊֎◊◊◊֍◊֎◊֎◊ 

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