
Telepathische Fähigkeiten bei autistischen Kindern nachgewiesen

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There have been a lot of advancements in medicine but still, there are many conditions that are not completely understood, and autism is one of them.

Doctors and scientists know that autism exists and while one person who is suffering from autism might have a high function, another person might have issues in regards to communicating and being able to accomplish even the most basic of tasks that someone without autism of the same age could undertake.

People With Autism Might Have Mental Capabilities Above Average

In many cases of people with autism, the latter is the case, and the majority of people believe that those with autism are lacking in mental capacity or they are perhaps below par human beings. However, in reality, there has been evidence that suggests that people with autism may actually have mental capabilities that are above average, but they do have a lack of ability to be able to communicate their thoughts to others.

Dr. Diane Powell is a neuropsychiatrist and author, and she had studied children with autism extensively. She has put together research that strongly suggests that children with autism might have telepathic abilities that are superhuman. The findings and report of Powell have received a great deal of skepticism thanks to the material focus of modern science.

Video Shows Autistic Child Knows Number Behind Screen Written Instantly

Powell has revealed a video that does have you asking yourself what, other than the child being telepathic, might explain the phenomenon seen in the video. To summarize the video, there is a child with autism, and that child seems to know what the number is that is written down on the paper, which they cannot see due to a divider being put in place. What is even more astonishing is that the child knows the number almost instantly.

This is not the only experiment that Dr. Powell has undertaken that gives hints that children who are autistic are telepathic. In the past, the doctor has observed the phenomenon many times. The doctor is now planning on continuing research into telepathy and autistic children, and one of the things she is looking into is expanding the physical distance between caregivers and children with autism to reduce the chances of subtle clues being given away and being passed between the two. Dr. Powell is also going to undertake brain scans of both the caregiver and the child while the experiments are taking place to see which parts of the brain are the most active during the telepathic connections.

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