
Pleiades 1 Messages April 24th 2017

P1 calling Terranos for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!

Attention Natyla-Ha*, The Nymph Guardian of the Seven Bright Points, prepare for receiving data!

Cinti*, The Fairy Storyteller, plantation in World A.XX2 -.

Cetaceans in the process of uploading – 94% (non-regressive). Terranos prepare to receive.

Attention! Local* Allies receiving credentials. Reverberation for Systemic* Allies. Download started – STAGE 1 >>> 98% (non-regressive).

Shenion*, The Analyst, on a visit to Sector S3T. In 89% (non-regressive) breakdown. Anti-love presents in violation attempt …

Zero* i in the last lapse of time. Reverberation of “annulment of old fragments…”.

5th layer opening! “Virus* Sinus” working! 12% (non-regressive) – Next >>>> Opening of the 4th.

End of Transmission
Pleiades 1 (In old frame suspension)

* Item in Glossary

Quelle: https://www.disclosurenews.it/en/pleiades-1-messages/

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