
Ben Fulford / Mike Harris Feb 9 2016 : Victory is Near!

Mike Harris interviewed Ben Fulford on Feb. 9th for his Short End of the Stick radio show.
See ALSO : http://tinyurl.com/FulfordVictory

This was a fascinating discussion, and mostly a positive one. Ben Fulford thinks the days of the cabal's power reign are almost over. 2016 looks to be a very important year.

MH: "Everytime I interview you, someone puts it up on Youtube. We get a quarter of a million views, and then it disappears."

BF: "Let's make sure it doesn't disappear this time." (this comes at the end of the podcast)

To keep the discussion going no matter what, the good people at GEI have started a thread.

Here's the link: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/i...

Go visit it, to read a good summary, and discuss it.
Mike Harris (on VT) : http://www.veteranstoday.com/category...
Ben Fulford's website : http://www.BenjaminFulford.net

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