
The Song of the Butterfly

Ein sehr schöner Beitrag zum Abend von dem lieben Ingulf! Danke dafür!

While attending Everness Festival in Hungary we were invited by artist Istvan Sky Kék Égto to visit his Surya Sangíta Asram. There four beautiful souls met together and by improvising created the musical adventure you are witnessing now.

Music made by Collaboration of: Istvan Sky Kék Ég, Estas Tonne, Pablo Arellano, Indrė Kuliešiūtė.
Video made by Geri Dagys

More info about artists:
Estas Tonne - http://estastonne.com
Pablo Arellano - http://pabloarellano.org
Istvan Sky Kék Ég - http://facebook.com/istvan.sky.3
Indrė Kuliešiūtė - http://facebook.com/kuliesiute.indre
Geri Dagys - http://abu2.com

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