
Das ECHTE Hoverboard (!): Flyboard® Air Test 1

Zapata Racing has achieved the dream of mankind and offers you the first video of Franky Zapata flying on the innovation Flyboard® Air.

The Independent Propulsion Unit represents 4 years of hard work for a result exceeding all records:

- Autonomous flight up to 10,000 feet
- Top speed of 150km/h (93,2 mph)
- 10 min autonomy

Although the UFO is still in prototype phase and won’t be on the market in 2016, it has exactly the same behavior as the WFD Flyboard® Pro Series.
Those who wants to feel the thrill, or pending the governmental approval, we invite you to discover the products ZR:
Flyboard® Pro Series, Hoverboard by ZR® and Jetpack by ZR® that allow you to fly safely over the water.

The prototype is available for show, please contact site@zapata-racing.com

Explore the ZR universe and its safe & fun products, approved by millions of users worldwide:


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