KERRY CASSIDY: I went back to interview John Lear who has been an old favorite interview of Project Camelot’s audience. He has had some health issues but is still going strong and wanted to talk all night!
In this part 2 we review the maps of Area 51 and the underground/undersea entrances and track the route of the Maglev trains. John also talks about some amazing and frightening incidents associated with his grandchildren. He goes over a laundry list of misconceptions out there on famous incidents and we compare notes on what I have versus what he has….
In this part John Lear and I compare notes on multiple topics we have both investigated over the years. We deal with Dulce, Flight 370 and MH17 and John’s reaction to the ground breaking Mark Richards info about Vietnam. This is the best of the three!
Go here to John’s site for the best bio:
John Lear bei Cosmic Disclosure:
Season 7, Episode 13
Mehr über John Lear in deutsch:
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