Ever since my first out-of-body experience, I found that under the right conditions I could leave my body and start to explore these new dimensions that had been opened to me. As I started to venture out into these new worlds, many different beings, guides, masters and energies started to come into my life. They would often wake me up and take me out of my body on journeys to many places and time lines to show and teach me many new things. I was no longer the same person after experiencing these journeys.
These beings gave me specific teachings to follow so I may live comfortably in this world. They said that the most important thing is to heal yourself, and only then could I effect change in others. Under their teachings and guidance I sought out many teachers and masters to receive wisdom and healing. Since then I have been given many powerful healing techniques and abilities to assist myself and others on the many paths of healing and enlightenment."
For more information have a look here:
- ECETI.org
- http://thecrystalsun.com/
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