
Cintamani Trip - Mission Africa

Africa is the continent which has the smallest amount of Cintamani stones. Many sacred temples around the old Atlantean equator were built on it : http://2012portal.blogspot.fr/2017/01...

As the lightforces are making decisive breakthroughts, the surface population should be even more willing to assist with Planetary Liberation. Africa needs more Cintamani stones on its soil, and I am prepared to help people willing to bury Cintamani stones on any country there - priority goes to the sub saharan Africa: 

Contact: arbresolaire999@gmail.com Thanks to the lightworkers who contributed spontaneously we are now able to proceed with further Cintamani projects - including this one. 

All credit goes to you bright people ♥ https://www.paypal.me/codexgalaxia South Africa is already blessed with many Cintamani stones. Special thanks to the japanese team, victory of the light ! 

Arbre Solaire

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