
12.11 - False Flag Sacrifice to Distract from Storm & Another Plane Crash Near Rothschild HQ

9th Circuit Court Judge Accused of Harassment - https://goo.gl/zvEYc8
George Soros Funds "Brave New Films", who Threw Today's Megyn Kelley Press Conference w/ "Trump Accusers" - https://goo.gl/mF5NM7 
North Korea Now Pushing for "Bio-Weapons" - https://goo.gl/JZoXHE 
Another Plane Crash Near Rothschild HQ - https://goo.gl/DhDAtJ 
"Some YouTubers Think Cali Wildfires are a Conspiracy" - https://goo.gl/STBCQw 

DTI FB Group - https://goo.gl/qnTxPU 

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