12:12 Gateway - Zeit des Erinnerns
Artikel von: Jenny Schiltz / einigermassen verständliche GoogleÜbersetzung in deutsch
Dies ist eine sehr wichtige Zeit, die von meinem Team als die Zeit des Erinnerns beschrieben wurde. Es begann in der dritten Novemberwoche und wird bis zur dritte Januarwoche gehen. Diese Zeit wird die energetischen Tore 12:12, 1:1 und 1:11 umfassen. Während diese Tore wichtig sind, wird mir gesagt, dass die ganze Zeit von Bedeutung ist.
Was die Zeit des Erinnerns bedeutet, wird für jede Person unterschiedlich sein. Für einige wird es die Verkörperung ihres höheren Aspekts sein, für andere wird es eine Neudefinition bedeuten oder wer sie sind, und für einige wird diese Zeit ein Auslöser sein, um noch tiefer zu erwachen. Unabhängig davon, wo Sie in diesem Prozess sind, ist es intensiv. Es wird Lektionen, Trigger und intensive Downloads geben. Das ist ein Marathon und kein Sprint, wie mich mein Team erinnert.
Ich habe mich mit meinem Team zusammengesetzt, um mehr Klarheit zu schaffen, da diese Energien es schwer machen, Konzepte zusammen zu ziehen. Also entschied ich, dass es an der Zeit ist, Fragen zu stellen (hoffentlich scheinen sie nicht zufällig oder außer Betrieb zu sein) und höre einfach zu:
Was bedeutet die Zeit des Erinnerns?
Es bedeutet, dass allen gezeigt wird, wer sie sind und wer nicht. Man wird sehen, was sie brauchen, erfahren, was sie brauchen, um voll in ihre Kraft zu treten und alles zu verkörpern, was sie sind. Ein anderer wird sehr deutlich gezeigt werden, wo sie Institutionen, Glaubensrichtungen und anderen Menschen ihre Macht gegeben haben. Die meisten von euch werden eine Verschmelzung von beidem erfahren. Während du alles verkündigst, was du in jedem Moment bist, muss auch alles, was du nicht bist, ans Licht kommen. Verstehen Sie, dass Sie in jedem Moment eine Wahl haben.
Welche Art von Wahl?
Du hast die Wahl, alle Zweifel und Unglauben zu überwinden und zu ehren, wen du weißt, dass du in deinem Kern bist. Um dies zu tun, müssen alle Schichten der Matrix wegfallen. Dies kann für einige befreiend sein, aber viele erleben tiefes Unbehagen, da alles, was sie wissen, herausgefordert wird.
Sind alle in der Seelen-Verkörperungsphase?
Ja, auf der einen oder anderen Stufe. Schon der Beginn des Erwachens, dieser erste Auslöser, kann als Beginn der Verkörperungsphase angesehen werden.
Sind die ersten Wellenreiter, Wegbereiter und Pioniere in der Endphase der Verkörperung?
Ja, aber verstehe, dass die Seelenverkörperung von Moment zu Moment stattfindet. Wir bevorzugen den Begriff Verankerung in der Seelenquelle oder das, was als ICH BIN für diejenigen in diesen Gruppierungen bekannt ist. Es ist eine besonders intensive und körperlich anstrengende Zeit für alle, die diesen Prozess durchlaufen, und viele haben das Bedürfnis, sich vollständig aus den kollektiven Energien zurückzuziehen.
Fällt dies mit der stattfindenden Konvergenz der Zeitachse zusammen?
Ja und die Positionierung der Erde im galaktischen Feld. Es ist die Zeit, auf die viele gewartet haben, doch nicht viele haben verstanden, was es bedeutet, in dieser Zeit zu leben.
Ist deshalb Angst bei vielen grösser?
Ja, in dieser Zeit kollabiert vieles innerhalb und außerhalb. Die Dichte verlässt weiterhin die menschliche Form, kollabiert das, was einmal war, und lässt das Wachstum größerer Aktivierungen zu. Zur gleichen Zeit kollabiert viel in deiner äußeren Realität, als mehr erwacht.
Es ist Widerstand gegen diesen Zusammenbruch, der im Körper viel Angst erzeugt. Man muss sich bewusst sein, dass nicht alles, was man fühlt, im Besitz sein soll.
Eines der Hauptsymptome, über die berichtet und persönlich gefühlt wird, ist Angst. Es scheint in Wellen zu kommen und ein paar dieser Wellen haben mich wirklich überrascht. Ich stelle fest, dass ich ein paar Mal am Tag frage "Ist das mein?", Was auf die Angst hinweist und meistens war die Antwort nein. Ich katalogisiere dann die Emotion und lasse sie los. Es gab ein interessantes Gefühl von "einem Elefanten, der auf meiner Brust sitzt" und fühlte mich so, als ob ich nicht tief Luft holen könnte. Unter diesem Gefühl der Angst - so wie dieses meinerseits war - war Wut. Ich erlaubte mir, es zu fühlen und zu weinen, bis nichts mehr zu lösen war und dann der Druck auf meiner Brust nachließ. Perspektive hilft, also bedenken Sie, dass keine dieser Emotionen oder Symptome hier sind, um Ihnen zu schaden, sondern um Ihnen zu helfen, sich mehr in das zu bewegen, was wir sind.
Du hast schon erwähnt, dass wir an einem Punkt sind. Kannst du es ausarbeiten?
Ihr Fokus und Ihre Teilnahme sind wichtiger denn je. Man kann das Neue nicht schaffen, wenn man sich noch an das Alte klammert. Man kann das Neue aber nur schaffen, indem man beobachtet, was im Alten nicht funktioniert hat. Es besteht ein Unterschied zwischen der Beobachtung und der Anhaftung an die Energie. Alles, was beachtet wird, wächst nicht nur, sondern wird in neue Zeitlinien mitgenommen, bis es vollständig freigesetzt ist. Man muss wählen, was seiner Aufmerksamkeit würdig ist, indem man sich einfach fragt: "Ist es das, was ich mitnehmen möchte, wenn ich mich in höhere Zeitlinien entwickle?"
Viele glauben, dass sie gegen das kämpfen müssen, was sich ändern sollte; dass sie wüten müssen. Nichts kann jedoch weiter von der Wahrheit entfernt sein. Wenn man die Macht der Schöpfung vollständig versteht, werden sie sehen, dass diese Frequenzen nicht länger in sich selbst getragen werden, wenn sie nicht länger die Stimme oder der Alarmgeber sind.
Ich verstehe das, denn je weniger ich mich auf das konzentriere, was mit der Welt nicht stimmt, desto mehr fließt meine Realität.
Das ist richtig. Dies ist jedoch ein Glaubenssystem, das auch schädlich sein kann. Wenn du mehr von deinem authentischen Selbst wirst, wird dir gezeigt, was nicht mehr in Ausrichtung ist. Manchmal beinhaltet diese Demonstration Ereignisse, die als schmerzhaft empfunden werden können. Doch selbst wenn es Schmerz und Unbehagen gibt, ist man im Fluss, wenn sie die Gelegenheit nutzen, zu wachsen und sich in eine andere Richtung zu bewegen oder dort zu heilen, wo Disharmonie herrscht. Im spirituellen Fluss zu sein bedeutet nicht, dass das Leben zu jeder Zeit perfekt ist, dieser Glaube bringt nur Erwartungen mit sich, die nicht erreicht werden können. Es ist diese Erwartung, die den meisten Zweifel schafft und den Wachstumsprozess behindert.
Wenn wir uns ansehen, was in der Gesellschaft hinsichtlich der Aufdeckung von tiefem sexuellem Missbrauch in unserer Zivilisation vor sich geht, scheint es riesig. Wie kann man das nicht in eine neuere Zeitlinie bringen?
Mit diesen und den vielen kommenden Offenbarungen kann man einfach beobachten, was offenbart wird, ohne sich daran zu binden. Es ist zuerst wichtig zu beurteilen, wie diese Enthüllungen dich fühlen lassen. Welche Gefühle fühlst du? Wie hast du dazu beigetragen, dass deine Welt aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten ist? Wo hast du deine Macht als souveränes Wesen verschenkt? Sobald dies beurteilt wurde, ist es wichtig, die Emotionen mit Vergebung von allen, vor allem Selbst zu befreien. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass es nicht in Ihre höhere Zeitleiste aufgenommen wird.
Viele Menschen setzen Vergebung mit Nicht-Gerechtigkeit gleich.
Wenn jemand sich selbst vergibt, schafft er Raum für Heilung, damit bedingungslose Liebe eintreten kann. Dies bedeutet nicht, dass man nicht dafür verantwortlich gemacht werden sollte. Denk darüber nach, wie du deine Kraft einem anderen gegeben hast, hast du keine Auswirkungen erlebt? Das ist nicht anders als die Auswirkungen, die man erleben wird, wenn sie die Macht eines anderen übernehmen.
Man wird jedoch feststellen, dass wenn Gerechtigkeit ohne Vergebung angestrebt wird, sie zu einem fortwährenden Kreislauf von Schuld, Schuld und Zorn wird. Eine, von der sie sich nicht trennen können.
Ihr habt erwähnt, dass dies eine Entscheidung ist, wie wir die Veränderungen sehen. Könnt ihr das erklären?
Wenn jeder von euch eure kristalline Form aktiviert, wird es helfen andere zu aktivieren und dies wird den Schatten noch mehr hervorbringen. Eure Erde durchläuft ebenfalls einen ähnlichen Prozess und dies hilft wiederum, den Schatten kollektiv zu enthüllen. Es kann als eine große Reinigung angesehen werden.
Während dies unbequem sein mag, ist es wichtig zu erkennen, dass es nicht die Welt wird, die dunkler wird, da alles, was hervorkommt, schon da war, es wurde nur versteckt.
Du hast mir gesagt, dass ich auf diejenigen achten sollte, die Zerstörung und Chaos wollen. Ich hielt es für wichtig zu verstehen.
Ja, da gibt es diejenigen, die die Zerstörung aller Systeme ungeachtet der Auswirkungen wollen. Es gibt Ungeduld mit diesem Glauben und es ist oft eine mit der Notwendigkeit, richtig bewiesen zu werden. Beim Erwachen wird großer Wert auf Sorgfalt und Sorgfalt gelegt, da das Timing wichtig ist, um sicherzustellen, dass es so reibungslos wie möglich ist. Das Verderben des Schleiers, der Steuerprogrammierung in einem Augenblick würde viele irreparabel beschädigen.
Es ist wesentlich, dass alles, was getan wird, um diesen Prozess zu unterstützen, in der Absicht geschieht, dass das Höchste Gute von Allem getan wird.
Es gibt eine Reihe von Menschen, Tieren und sogar Pflanzen, die zu dieser Zeit die Erde verlassen. Es wurde viel über diejenigen geschrieben, die ihr Licht nicht erheben können und gezwungen sind, die Erde zu verlassen. Ist das genau?
Es gibt kein richtig oder falsch, weder gut noch schlecht, keine höhere oder niedrigere Vibration. Es gibt nur Auswahl und das Verlangen nach einer Erfahrung. Man muss auf ihre Notwendigkeit achten, eine Hierarchie der Selbstvalidierung zu schaffen.
Was können Menschen tun, um mit Leichtigkeit und Anmut durch diese Zeit des Erinnerns zu gehen?
Zuerst sollte man sich ihre Definition von Leichtigkeit und Anmut ansehen. Auch dies kann als ein Maßstab benutzt werden, auf dem man sich fehlt. Wir würden uns viel lieber auf dein Wachstum und die tiefgreifenden Veränderungen konzentrieren, die in dir stattfinden. Was vor sich geht, ist vorher nicht geschehen, deshalb gibt es kein Barometer, um sich selbst oder das andere zu beurteilen.
Es ist wichtig, Zeit dafür zu reservieren, dass die Integration der Seele stattfinden kann. Aus diesem Grund haben viele den Ruf gespürt, ihr Leben zu vereinfachen. Auf den Körper zu hören ist von größter Wichtigkeit.
Es gibt viele Aktivierungen und Downloads, die zu mehr Verständnis und sogar zu Erinnerungen an alles führen, was du bist. Wir schlagen vor, diese Einsichten nicht zu verwerfen, da sie hilfreich sind, um Ihre Macht zurückzugewinnen und all das zu beseitigen, was diesen Prozess behindert.
Wie immer werden Wasser, Mineralien und Zeit in der Natur helfen, das Nervensystem zu beruhigen. Wir empfehlen Gruppenarbeit mit ähnlichen Seelen, da dies die Erweiterung und Aktivierung von allem unterstützt, was Sie sind. Die Unterstützung durch Ihr Beratungsteam und die vielen verfügbaren Modalitäten sind ebenfalls hilfreich.
Am wichtigsten ist die Selbstliebe und das konzentrierte Bemühen, die Angst und Erwartungen loszulassen, die sich mit diesem Prozess verbinden können. Alles läuft wie geplant.
Eine meiner Kunden war besorgt, dass ihr geschäftiges Leben für andere sorgte, dass ihr Mangel an Hingabe an diesen Prozess bedeuten würde, dass sie "das Boot verpasste". Ihr Team sagte ihr, dass sie "das Boot nicht vermissen" würde und dass alles, was stattfindet, "Gottes Gnade" sei.
Ja, es wird jede Anstrengung unternommen, um allen Seelen durch die bevorstehenden Veränderungen zu helfen, damit sie die Ziele erreichen, die ihre Seele beabsichtigte. Man muss sich dieser Hilfe nicht bewusst sein, um sie zu erhalten. Jeder von euch fällt unter Gottes Gnade.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung heute!
Es war uns eine Ehre.
Ich hoffe, dass diese Frage-und-Antwort-Sitzung hilfreich war. Es ist wirklich eine tolle Zeit, aber auch sehr intensiv. Wir müssen uns selbst gut tun und uns selbst und andere durch diesen Übergang lieben.
Ich werde am 12. Dezember um 18:00 Uhr MST einen 12:12 - Time of Remembering Gruppenanruf halten. Es ist eine 90-minütige Live-Sitzung, in der du Codes und Aktivierungen erhältst, die dich in deiner Form deiner Seele erinnern.
Diese Aktivierungen sind nicht nur für das 12:12 Gateway, sondern für diesen gesamten Zeitraum. Dies wird der letzte Gruppenruf bis Februar sein, da ich mich Ende des Jahres frei nehmen werde, um diese Energien zu verarbeiten und zu verkörpern.
Alle, die sich anmelden, erhalten eine Aufnahme. Sie müssen nicht live anwesend sein, um die Aufnahme oder die Heilung zu erhalten. Kosten sind 14,99 $. Klicken Sie auf diesen Link, um sich zu registrieren: https://events.genndi.com/register/169105139238468990/8091823f5c
Sobald die Zahlung erfolgt ist, müssen Sie Ihre Registrierung abschließen. Wenn Sie nicht zur Registrierungsseite zurückkehren können, senden Sie mir eine E-Mail an info@jennyschiltz.com
Ich sende euch allen so viel Liebe. Pass auf Dich auf.
Jenny Schiltz
article by: Jenny Schiltz
This is a very important time, one that has been described by my team as the Time of Remembering. It began the 3rd week of November and will go into the 3rd week of January. This time will encompass the energetic gateways such as the 12:12, 1:1 and 1:11. While these gateways are important, I am told that the entire time has significance.
What the Time of Remembering means will differ for each person. For some it will be the embodiment of their higher aspect, for others, it will mean a redefining or who they are, and for some, this time will be a trigger for awakening even deeper. Regardless of where you are in this process, it is intense. There will be lessons, triggers and intense downloads. This is a marathon and not a sprint, as my team reminds me.
I sat down with my team to achieve greater clarity as these energies make it struggle to pull concepts together. So I decided it is time to ask questions (hopefully they do not seem random or out of order) and simply listen:
What does the Time of Remembering mean?
It means that all are being shown who they are and also who they are not. One will see what they need to, experience what they need to in order to step fully into their power and embody all that they are. Another will be shown very clearly where they have given away their power to institutions, beliefs, and other people. Most of you will experience a melding of both. As you embody all that you are in each moment, all that you are not must also come to light. Understand that in each moment you are being given a choice.
What type of choice?
You are being given a choice to push past all the doubt and disbelief and honor who you know that you are at your core. In order to do this, all the layers of the matrix must fall away. This can be liberating for some, but many experience deep discomfort as all that they know is being challenged.
Are all in the Soul embodiment phase?
Yes, at one stage or another. Even the beginning of one’s awakening, that initial trigger, can be seen as the beginning of the embodiment phase.
Are the first wavers, wayshowers and pioneers at the final stage of embodiment?
Yes, but understand that Soul embodiment takes place moment by moment. We prefer to use the term Anchoring in the Soul Source or what has been known as the I AM for those in these groupings. It is a particularly intense and physically demanding time for all undergoing this process and many are finding the need to withdraw completely from the collective energies.
Does this coincide with the timeline convergence taking place?
Yes and the positioning of the earth in the Galactic field. It is the time that many have been waiting for, yet not many understood what it would mean to live during this time.
Is this why anxiety feel heightened in many?
Yes, at this time much is collapsing within and without. Density is continuing to leave the human form, collapsing what once was, and allowing for the growth of greater activations. At the same time much is collapsing in your outer reality as more awaken.
It is resistance to this collapsing that creates much anxiety in the body. One must be aware that not all one is feeling is meant to be owned.
One of the main symptoms that are being reported and personally felt is anxiety. It seems to come in waves and a few of those waves really caught me off guard. I am finding myself asking a few times a day “Is this mine?” referring to the anxiety and most often the answer has been no. I then catalogue the emotion and release it. There has been an interesting feeling of “an elephant sitting on my chest” feeling to the point that I felt as if I could not take a deep breath. Under this feeling of anxiety – as this one was mine, was anger. I allowed myself to feel it and cry until there was nothing more to release and then the pressure on my chest left. Perspective helps, so keep in mind that none of these emotions or symptoms are here to harm you, but to assist you in moving more into all that we are.
You had mentioned before that we are at a choice point. Can you elaborate?
Your focus and participation is more important than ever. One cannot create the new when they still cling to the old. Yet, one can only create the new by observing what did not work in the old. There is a difference between observing and attaching to the energy. Everything that is given attention not only grows but is carried along into new timelines until it is fully released. One must choose what is worthy of their attention by simply asking themselves “Is this what I would like to carry with me as I evolve into higher timelines?”
Many believe that they must fight against what was in order to change; that they must rage. Yet, nothing can be further from the truth. When one understands fully the power of creation, they will see that by no longer being the voice or the alarm sounder, those frequencies will no longer be carried within.
I do get that, as I find that the less I focus on what is wrong with the world, the more my reality flows.
That is correct. However, this is a belief system that can be harmful as well. As you are becoming more of your authentic self, you will be shown what is no longer in alignment. At times this demonstration involves events that can be considered painful. Yet, even if there is pain and discomfort, one is in the flow if they use the opportunity to grow and move in another direction or heal where there is disharmony. Being in the spiritual flow does not mean that life is perfect at all times, this belief only brings expectations that cannot be met. It is this expectation that creates the most doubt within and hinders the growth process.
When we look at what is taking place in society regarding the uncovering of deep sexual abuse in our civilization, it seems huge. How can one not bring this into a newer timeline?
With this and the many revelations to come, one can simply observe what is being revealed without attaching to it. It is first important to assess how these revelations make you feel. What emotions do you feel? How have you played a part in how out of balance your world has become? Where did you give away your power as a Sovereign being? Once this has been assessed, it is essential to then release the emotions with forgiveness of all, most importantly self. This will ensure that it is not taken into your higher timeline.
Many people equate forgiveness with not bringing to justice.
When one forgives themselves or another it creates space for healing to take place, for unconditional love to come in. This does not mean that one should not be held responsible. Think about how you have given your power away to another, did you not experience repercussions? This is no different than the repercussions one will experience when they are the ones to take power from another.
However, one will find that when justice without forgiveness is sought that it becomes a perpetuating cycle of guilt, blame, and anger. One that they are unable to detach from.
You mentioned that this is a choice point in regards to how we view the changes coming. Can you explain?
As each of you activates your crystalline form, it will help to activate others and this will bring forth the shadow even more. Your earth is also undergoing a similar process and in turn, this is helping to expose the shadow collectively. It can be thought of as a great purging.
While this may be uncomfortable, it is important to realize that it is not the world becoming darker, as all that is coming forth was already there, it was just hidden.
You told me to be observant of the ones wanting destruction and chaos. I felt it was an important thing to understand.
Yes, for there are those that want the destruction of all systems regardless of the impact. There is impatience with this belief and it is often one layered with the need to be proven right. There is great importance and care taken in the awakening process as the timing is essential to ensure it is as smooth as possible. The undoing of the veil, of the control programming in an instant would cause unrepairable damage to many.
It is essential that in all that is done to assist this process is done with the intention that the Highest Good of All is Done.
There are a number of people, animals and even plants that are leaving the earth at this time. There has been much written about those who cannot raise their light being forced to leave the earth. Is this accurate?
There is no right or wrong, good or bad; no higher or lower vibration. There is only choice and the desire for an experience. One must look at their need to create a hierarchy of self-validation.
What can people do to go through this Time of Remembering with Ease and Grace?
First one should look at their definition of ease and grace. As this too can be used as a gauge on which to find yourself lacking. We would much rather you focus on your growth and the deep changes that are taking place within you. What is taking place has not been done before, therefore there is no barometer by which to judge one’s self or another.
It is important to set time aside time to allow for the integration of your soul to take place. It is for this reason that many have felt the call to simplify their lives. Listening to the body is of the utmost importance.
There are many activations and downloads occurring that will bring about greater understandings and even rememberings of all that you are. We suggest not dismissing these insights as they are helpful in reclaiming your power and clearing all that hinders this process.
As always, water, minerals, and spending time in nature will help to soothe the nervous system. We recommend group work with like souls as this helps the expansion and activation of all that you are. Obtaining assistance from your guidance team and the many modalities available is helpful as well.
Most important is self-love and the concentrated effort to release the fear and expectations that can become intertwined with this process. All is proceeding as planned.
A client of mine was concerned that with her busy life caring for others that her lack of dedication to this process would mean that she “missed the boat”. Her team told her she would not “miss the boat” and that all that is taking place is “God’s Grace.”
Yes, every effort is being made to assist all souls through the upcoming changes so that the reach the goals their soul intended. One does not have to be aware of this assistance to receive it. Each of you falls under God’s Grace.
Thank you for your assistance today!
It has been our honor.
I hope that this question and answer session has been helpful. It really is an amazing time but really intensive too. We have to be easy on ourselves and love ourselves and others through this transition.
I will be holding a 12:12 – Time of Remembering Group call on December 8th at 6:00 pm MST. It is a Live 90-minute session where you will receive codes and activations that spark remembering in your form of your soul.
These activations are not just for the 12:12 Gateway, but rather for this entire time period. This will be the last group call until February as I will be taking time off at the end of the year to process and embody these energies.
All who register will receive a recording. You do not need to attend live to receive the recording or the healing. Cost is $14.99. Click on this link to register: https://events.genndi.com/register/169105139238468990/8091823f5c
Once payment has been made, be sure to complete your registration. If you are unable to return to the registration page, email me at info@jennyschiltz.com
Sending you all so much love. Take care of you.
Jenny Schiltz
Quelle: https://jennyschiltz.com/1212-gateway-time-remembering/
This is a very important time, one that has been described by my team as the Time of Remembering. It began the 3rd week of November and will go into the 3rd week of January. This time will encompass the energetic gateways such as the 12:12, 1:1 and 1:11. While these gateways are important, I am told that the entire time has significance.
What the Time of Remembering means will differ for each person. For some it will be the embodiment of their higher aspect, for others, it will mean a redefining or who they are, and for some, this time will be a trigger for awakening even deeper. Regardless of where you are in this process, it is intense. There will be lessons, triggers and intense downloads. This is a marathon and not a sprint, as my team reminds me.
I sat down with my team to achieve greater clarity as these energies make it struggle to pull concepts together. So I decided it is time to ask questions (hopefully they do not seem random or out of order) and simply listen:
What does the Time of Remembering mean?
It means that all are being shown who they are and also who they are not. One will see what they need to, experience what they need to in order to step fully into their power and embody all that they are. Another will be shown very clearly where they have given away their power to institutions, beliefs, and other people. Most of you will experience a melding of both. As you embody all that you are in each moment, all that you are not must also come to light. Understand that in each moment you are being given a choice.
What type of choice?
You are being given a choice to push past all the doubt and disbelief and honor who you know that you are at your core. In order to do this, all the layers of the matrix must fall away. This can be liberating for some, but many experience deep discomfort as all that they know is being challenged.
Are all in the Soul embodiment phase?
Yes, at one stage or another. Even the beginning of one’s awakening, that initial trigger, can be seen as the beginning of the embodiment phase.
Are the first wavers, wayshowers and pioneers at the final stage of embodiment?
Yes, but understand that Soul embodiment takes place moment by moment. We prefer to use the term Anchoring in the Soul Source or what has been known as the I AM for those in these groupings. It is a particularly intense and physically demanding time for all undergoing this process and many are finding the need to withdraw completely from the collective energies.
Does this coincide with the timeline convergence taking place?
Yes and the positioning of the earth in the Galactic field. It is the time that many have been waiting for, yet not many understood what it would mean to live during this time.
Is this why anxiety feel heightened in many?
Yes, at this time much is collapsing within and without. Density is continuing to leave the human form, collapsing what once was, and allowing for the growth of greater activations. At the same time much is collapsing in your outer reality as more awaken.
It is resistance to this collapsing that creates much anxiety in the body. One must be aware that not all one is feeling is meant to be owned.
One of the main symptoms that are being reported and personally felt is anxiety. It seems to come in waves and a few of those waves really caught me off guard. I am finding myself asking a few times a day “Is this mine?” referring to the anxiety and most often the answer has been no. I then catalogue the emotion and release it. There has been an interesting feeling of “an elephant sitting on my chest” feeling to the point that I felt as if I could not take a deep breath. Under this feeling of anxiety – as this one was mine, was anger. I allowed myself to feel it and cry until there was nothing more to release and then the pressure on my chest left. Perspective helps, so keep in mind that none of these emotions or symptoms are here to harm you, but to assist you in moving more into all that we are.
You had mentioned before that we are at a choice point. Can you elaborate?
Your focus and participation is more important than ever. One cannot create the new when they still cling to the old. Yet, one can only create the new by observing what did not work in the old. There is a difference between observing and attaching to the energy. Everything that is given attention not only grows but is carried along into new timelines until it is fully released. One must choose what is worthy of their attention by simply asking themselves “Is this what I would like to carry with me as I evolve into higher timelines?”
Many believe that they must fight against what was in order to change; that they must rage. Yet, nothing can be further from the truth. When one understands fully the power of creation, they will see that by no longer being the voice or the alarm sounder, those frequencies will no longer be carried within.
I do get that, as I find that the less I focus on what is wrong with the world, the more my reality flows.
That is correct. However, this is a belief system that can be harmful as well. As you are becoming more of your authentic self, you will be shown what is no longer in alignment. At times this demonstration involves events that can be considered painful. Yet, even if there is pain and discomfort, one is in the flow if they use the opportunity to grow and move in another direction or heal where there is disharmony. Being in the spiritual flow does not mean that life is perfect at all times, this belief only brings expectations that cannot be met. It is this expectation that creates the most doubt within and hinders the growth process.
When we look at what is taking place in society regarding the uncovering of deep sexual abuse in our civilization, it seems huge. How can one not bring this into a newer timeline?
With this and the many revelations to come, one can simply observe what is being revealed without attaching to it. It is first important to assess how these revelations make you feel. What emotions do you feel? How have you played a part in how out of balance your world has become? Where did you give away your power as a Sovereign being? Once this has been assessed, it is essential to then release the emotions with forgiveness of all, most importantly self. This will ensure that it is not taken into your higher timeline.
Many people equate forgiveness with not bringing to justice.
When one forgives themselves or another it creates space for healing to take place, for unconditional love to come in. This does not mean that one should not be held responsible. Think about how you have given your power away to another, did you not experience repercussions? This is no different than the repercussions one will experience when they are the ones to take power from another.
However, one will find that when justice without forgiveness is sought that it becomes a perpetuating cycle of guilt, blame, and anger. One that they are unable to detach from.
You mentioned that this is a choice point in regards to how we view the changes coming. Can you explain?
As each of you activates your crystalline form, it will help to activate others and this will bring forth the shadow even more. Your earth is also undergoing a similar process and in turn, this is helping to expose the shadow collectively. It can be thought of as a great purging.
While this may be uncomfortable, it is important to realize that it is not the world becoming darker, as all that is coming forth was already there, it was just hidden.
You told me to be observant of the ones wanting destruction and chaos. I felt it was an important thing to understand.
Yes, for there are those that want the destruction of all systems regardless of the impact. There is impatience with this belief and it is often one layered with the need to be proven right. There is great importance and care taken in the awakening process as the timing is essential to ensure it is as smooth as possible. The undoing of the veil, of the control programming in an instant would cause unrepairable damage to many.
It is essential that in all that is done to assist this process is done with the intention that the Highest Good of All is Done.
There are a number of people, animals and even plants that are leaving the earth at this time. There has been much written about those who cannot raise their light being forced to leave the earth. Is this accurate?
There is no right or wrong, good or bad; no higher or lower vibration. There is only choice and the desire for an experience. One must look at their need to create a hierarchy of self-validation.
What can people do to go through this Time of Remembering with Ease and Grace?
First one should look at their definition of ease and grace. As this too can be used as a gauge on which to find yourself lacking. We would much rather you focus on your growth and the deep changes that are taking place within you. What is taking place has not been done before, therefore there is no barometer by which to judge one’s self or another.
It is important to set time aside time to allow for the integration of your soul to take place. It is for this reason that many have felt the call to simplify their lives. Listening to the body is of the utmost importance.
There are many activations and downloads occurring that will bring about greater understandings and even rememberings of all that you are. We suggest not dismissing these insights as they are helpful in reclaiming your power and clearing all that hinders this process.
As always, water, minerals, and spending time in nature will help to soothe the nervous system. We recommend group work with like souls as this helps the expansion and activation of all that you are. Obtaining assistance from your guidance team and the many modalities available is helpful as well.
Most important is self-love and the concentrated effort to release the fear and expectations that can become intertwined with this process. All is proceeding as planned.
A client of mine was concerned that with her busy life caring for others that her lack of dedication to this process would mean that she “missed the boat”. Her team told her she would not “miss the boat” and that all that is taking place is “God’s Grace.”
Yes, every effort is being made to assist all souls through the upcoming changes so that the reach the goals their soul intended. One does not have to be aware of this assistance to receive it. Each of you falls under God’s Grace.
Thank you for your assistance today!
It has been our honor.
I hope that this question and answer session has been helpful. It really is an amazing time but really intensive too. We have to be easy on ourselves and love ourselves and others through this transition.
I will be holding a 12:12 – Time of Remembering Group call on December 8th at 6:00 pm MST. It is a Live 90-minute session where you will receive codes and activations that spark remembering in your form of your soul.
These activations are not just for the 12:12 Gateway, but rather for this entire time period. This will be the last group call until February as I will be taking time off at the end of the year to process and embody these energies.
All who register will receive a recording. You do not need to attend live to receive the recording or the healing. Cost is $14.99. Click on this link to register: https://events.genndi.com/register/169105139238468990/8091823f5c
Once payment has been made, be sure to complete your registration. If you are unable to return to the registration page, email me at info@jennyschiltz.com
Sending you all so much love. Take care of you.
Jenny Schiltz
Quelle: https://jennyschiltz.com/1212-gateway-time-remembering/
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