William Henry is a Nashville-based author, investigative mythologist, and TV presenter. He is an internationally recognized authority on human spiritual potential, transformation and ascension. The spiritual voice and Consulting Producer of the global hit History Channel program, Ancient Aliens, and host of the Gaia TV series The Awakened Soul: The Lost Science of Ascension, and Arcanum, along with his wife, Clare, William Henry is your guide into the transformative sacred science of human ascension.
With over 30 years of research distilled into 18 books and numerous video presentations, William’s work will guide you to next level of human consciousness and our expanding reality. Along with his wife, Clare, he leads luxury, ascension-themed tours to sacred sites including Egypt, France, Italy and England. Tonight we will discuss the recent discovery of the chamber above the Grand Gallery in the Great Pyramid of Giza… and that it may contain The Iron Throne of Osiris... as well as the recent Days of Disclosure and what it means to our community and the world. Air date: January 24, 2018
With over 30 years of research distilled into 18 books and numerous video presentations, William’s work will guide you to next level of human consciousness and our expanding reality. Along with his wife, Clare, he leads luxury, ascension-themed tours to sacred sites including Egypt, France, Italy and England. Tonight we will discuss the recent discovery of the chamber above the Grand Gallery in the Great Pyramid of Giza… and that it may contain The Iron Throne of Osiris... as well as the recent Days of Disclosure and what it means to our community and the world. Air date: January 24, 2018
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