
Pleiades 1 Messages January 25th 2018

P1 calling Terranos for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!

*Zero i overload. Smoothing started.

Anagrammic consequences: insecurities and attempts of reallocations.

White birds fall and adjust old lines. Immediate rebirths occur.

*Cranio/Mamai line manifested! Lighting started… (6% non-regressive).

*Avrylhon still in dialogue with Zero i. Waiting appropriate time…

*Zero i: 5th Akashic Projector aimed to evaluate support. 90% (non-regressive) – 100% by 52% SELF.

*Pro-Love on the surface 80% (non-regressive).

New Islands in started synchronization! 36% (non-regressive).

Attention Solaris&Solaris! Reception and reverberation of Solar Ascending Waves in 48h linear.

End of Transmission

Pleiades 1 (Receiving New Guardians)

Item in Glossary:

Pleiades 1 Messages

On this page we will report the daily messages of Pleiades 1.

We’ll try to keep them updated as much as possibile. Some of these messages are quite cryptic while others seem clearer. On the website we do have few explanations for some terms and names, thoese will be highlighted by a link.

We will try to provide as many as possible explanations, but given our limited available resources it will take some time (some donations would be welcomed).

Transmissions will be in chronological order. We are eager to know if this initiative seems useful or at least interesting so we would expect some comments.

Quelle: https://www.disclosurenews.it/en/

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