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TZ here: First a thank you to Christopher for this. Please feel free to share this happy video far and wide. This video will surely lift your spirits as it has done mine!
It’s a bit like a breath of fresh air which we could all do with at the moment. I can agree with the information discussed here around 95%. Remember we are creating the new so this is a process that we are all taking part in and nothing is written in stone. The wonderful way that Alison introduces this ‘Supernatural Event’ that will affect everyone is so wonderful to hear. I was the first person to present the information about The Event from the Resistance Movement via Cobra after attending his conference in LA in Nov 2012. Cobra suggested to me that I should continue writing on my website which he was familiar with. I decided that the only way that I could introduce his information was by combining it with the best possible channeled information that was available where Archangel Michael provides details of this Event. The result was the Event pages on Veritas Galactic Sweden. Some years ago, when I updated my website I wrote an article on the Introduction page where Archangel Michael explains what kind of emotional reactions that people will find themselves in at the time of this supernatural Event.{links below}
In January of 1989 I myself went through an experience where I found myself temporarily in another dimensional experience. This experience along with my own work as a holistic therapist with regression to past lives and hypnosis has been a great help to me in conveying an understanding of what Archangel Michael wants us to understand. The hardest part in all of this has been helping people to understand that this Event ~ this Compression Breakthrough is a supernatural event. It is an Event that we are all participating in along with Source. When the danger has passed the full effect of the Galactic Wave of Love will hit us all simultaneously and within 20 minutes of that supernatural signal going out from ‘Source’ the actions that have been in the planning for at least 4 decades will proceed, with the mass arrests – bigtime, closing down of the present financial system (an absolute necessity to remove all assets from the cabal), and Full Disclosure etc. What we are seeing in the alternative media and some ‘soft disclosure’ in the mainstream media is simply the warming up – pre-event – where more and more people are waking up to the truth.
Alison’s bubbly warm spontaneous honest way of expressing herself you have got to love. She just oozes positive energy – so inspiring. Don’t worry if you get a bit confused because some ideas seem strange and remember that her clients are all expressing their ‘visions’ their way, and if you were describing a future timeline you might use other terms.
I love Alison’s expression “I’m going to Cast a Net of Light around my loved ones and send love to them everywhere they go and that we can do so with everyone we want to bring with us” – even if they do not seem ‘ready’ as yet. A reminder also that at about 1hr 10 minutes Alison gives some great advice about how to rewrite past events that caused pain and guilt – great stuff!
Yes, The Event is the necessary Light in-coming to prepare us for all the changes ahead – a very necessary supernatural Event to bring us all quicker through the physical changes and in readiness for the quick flow of positive change that will ensue. This will be the time of the mass heart opening event mentioned by Divine Mother. No, this does not mean that everyone will have an in-depth heart opening experience but simply that everyone’s heart will be touched to the extent that they can assimilate at the time.
I would like to say a few words about the idea of there being several ‘different’ earths (experiences of) ahead of us. I want to point out here that no-one is being left behind so to speak. People will have a need to develop at their own pace in their own time. You have all heard I’m sure about the ‘Cities of Light’ or Communities of Light that will develop all over Gaia. This could be what people are referring to here when they envision people living in different dimensional Earths. In these ‘areas of light’ around Gaia, development will be focused upon a desire to grow and develop in loving collaboration with others and learn more about the Ascension Process (Divine Mother just recently reminded us that this would be a gradually expanding growth within us and not ‘stage 1 or 2 or 3’ and so forth). So, on Nova Gaia there will be room for all kinds of development. Yes, Cobra has informed us about a beautiful pristine Earth like planet in the Pleiades which is perfect for human life. There are already humans living there that have been transported there from the astral planes around the turn of the century.
You might have heard about Tolec and his information about the Andromedan biospheres that can transport millions of people to other planets.
The skies the limit – or no – not even that!
Here is the interview with Alison Coe by Dan Hohlfeld – Enjoy! Thank you to Alison and Dan for this lovely, cosy, happy, wonderful interview. I love you both!
Therese Zumi
The Event info on Veritas
The Introduction page with the article where A Michael helps us understand what we might be experiencing on that day! AN EMOTIONAL DAY APPROACHING AT THE SPEED OF LOVE ~ PERTINENT INFORMATION FOR THE DAY OF THE EVENT
Quelle: https://prepareforchange.net/2018/01/15/allison-coe-event-new-earth-will-surely-lift-spirits/
Here is the interview with Alison Coe by Dan Hohlfeld – Enjoy! Thank you to Alison and Dan for this lovely, cosy, happy, wonderful interview. I love you both!
Therese Zumi
The Event info on Veritas
The Introduction page with the article where A Michael helps us understand what we might be experiencing on that day! AN EMOTIONAL DAY APPROACHING AT THE SPEED OF LOVE ~ PERTINENT INFORMATION FOR THE DAY OF THE EVENT
Quelle: https://prepareforchange.net/2018/01/15/allison-coe-event-new-earth-will-surely-lift-spirits/
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