
STAR WARS XIII: The Defeat Of The Chimera | Official Trailer (2017)

This is a critical time for planet Earth. The forces of the Galactic Confederation and the Ashtar Command have accelerated the dismantling of the toplet bombs.

After the successfull removal of the BLACK STONE, the Light Forces are now focusing their efforts on counteracting the evil plans of the Chimera Group.

Victory is at hand ! Meanwhile on the surface, the Lightworkers have reached unprecedented levels of cooperation. This sent a signal to the Central Race that the awakened part of the human population is ready for the Event.

The Resistance Movement is assisting these brave ones from their subterranean bases as the king of the world has decreted that Planetary Liberation should now unfold without further delay.

The last remnant of the Great Galactic wars that raged across the galaxy for millions of year will soon come to an end with the final victory of the Light Forces. 

Hold on to the Light, brave ones !

Updates on the Planetary Liberation : http://2012portal.blogspot.fr/

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