
New Moon kicks off Tidal Wave of Energy - Solar & Schumann Report

Global Geophysics News January 11th, 2024 by Geophysicist @StefanBurns ✅ Please Subscribe!

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00:00 New Moon and Planetary Geometry 06:40 Solar Activity Report 09:45 Schumann Resonances Report

eBooks and Courses: 🌐 Earth's Magnetic Field Master Guide: https://wildfreeorganic.gumroad.com/l... 🥑 Holistic Gut Health Guide: https://wildfreeorganic.com/store/hol... Use code "GUTHELP" for 10% off or "CHRISTMAS" for 33% off (active only Dec 2023) ⚡ Schumann Resonances and Human Bioelectricity PREORDER: https://wildfreeorganic.gumroad.com/l...

NOAA https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/
NASA https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/

Space Observing System sosrff.tsu.ru GFZ Helmholtz Centre Potsdam https://spaceweather.gfz-potsdam.de/p...

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