Es handelt sich bei diesem Bild um ein digitales Kunstwerk, des bulgarischen Künstlers Andrey Nazaro, Oktober 2014. Angelehnt an H.P. Lovecraft's Gemälde "Cthulhu Rising".
Danke an "Manja"... für den "Scherz"...
This image doesn't actually depict a tornado or any other natural phenomenon, however. It's a digital artwork entitled "Cthulhu Rising" that was posted to an H.P. Lovecraft Facebook page and the DeviantArt online art gallery by Bulgarian artist Andrey Nazaro back in October 2014. The artist describes it as depicting "a cosmic horror emerging from the mist" and noted that he found the highway photograph on Google and "painted Cthulhu on top of it."
This image doesn't actually depict a tornado or any other natural phenomenon, however. It's a digital artwork entitled "Cthulhu Rising" that was posted to an H.P. Lovecraft Facebook page and the DeviantArt online art gallery by Bulgarian artist Andrey Nazaro back in October 2014. The artist describes it as depicting "a cosmic horror emerging from the mist" and noted that he found the highway photograph on Google and "painted Cthulhu on top of it."
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