
Controlling Your Mind With "The Voice of God" Technology

Video Links: 

Cosmic Disclosure: "Voice of God Technology" - https://goo.gl/gQQtmC 

Army.mil archived article - https://goo.gl/mCsmWF 

OrgoneBlasters: "The ELF God" - https://goo.gl/Q2RYzv 

New Devices That "Talk" To The Human Mind - https://goo.gl/e8hNWV 

Total Individual Control Technology - https://goo.gl/keBH4s 

Patent US5159703A: "Silent subliminal presentation system " - https://goo.gl/8DM1Wa 

Patent US3951134A: "Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves" - https://goo.gl/XsTqT5 . . 

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