
Shekina Rose: Love Unveiled: Fairies Kingdom Light Language Transmission/Enchanting Heart Frequency Music

https://shekinarose.com/ Enter in the pure heart of the Fairy Kingdom, hear the Fairy language of Love. Can you spot the Sedona Fairies in the video?


Join Us for the New Earth Ascension High Frequency Activation on line Webinar https://shekinarose.com/events/...

💗🌹 "Shekina is a Angelic Messenger Harmonic vocalist Songstress and Sound Healer transformer of energy, a healer using music sound codes harmonics, ushering in music from heaven and the higher realms through divine transmission. She sings au naturel in the ancient whole solfeggio scale of pure tones, awakening, aligning and balancing the body’s energy fields, and can assist in attuning one to their own vibrational frequency and connection to Source and the angels.”

💙💙Hear more of the Miracle Frequencies Language of Light transmissions on spotify streaming and download 💓https://open.spotify.com/artist/1antk...

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