
Deva Premal & Miten: Sound Healing Meditation - Seven Chakra Gayatri Mantra (1hr)

The long form of the beloved Gayatri Mantra - The Seven Chakra Gayatri Mantra.

Om bhu (first chakra/ earth plane)
Om bhuvaha (second chakra/ atmospheric plane)
Om swaha (third chakra/ solar region)
Om maha (fourth chakra/ first spiritual region beyond the sun: heart vibration)
Om janaha (fifth chakra/ second spiritual region beyond the sun: power of the divine spiritual word)
Om tapaha (sixth chakra/ third spiritual region beyond the sun: sphere of the progenitors/ realm of the highest spiritual understanding while still identified with individual existence)
Om satyam (seventh chakra/ the abode of supreme truth: absorption into the supreme)

Om tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yonah prachodayat

Meditating upon the adorable, enchanting and radiant source of all things (spheres of consciousness), we awaken to the divine light of pure consciousness.

ORIGINAL RECORDING: "Seven Chakra Gayatri Mantra" featured on the album "DEVA"

AVAILABLE ON SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/track/767Zuv...

Composition: Deva Premal/ Joby Baker (Prabhu Music/ Socan)

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