by Kathleen Mary Willis
Please join us in meditation with Archangel Uriel for all areas suffering drought — Rain of Love — 15:15 (3:15PM your time) wherever you are on Gaia.
Remember — set a reminder on your phone!
Below is a list of areas we can meditate for on Saturday:
Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia, and northeast Nigeria: The world faces the largest humanitarian crisis since the end of the second world war with more than 20 million people in four countries facing starvation and famine, a senior United Nations official has warned.
Somalia declared a national emergency, and South Sudan has acknowledged full-on famine. In the two nations, almost 8 million people could starve. The United Nations says that it needs to raise upwards of $4.5 billion by July in order to avert widespread starvation in East Africa and the Horn of Africa.
Ethiopia braces for the worst drought in decades, with an estimated 5.6 million people requiring emergency aid.
Last year in mid-February, Kenya declared a national disaster amidst government projections that 1.3 million citizens were in need of immediate assistance.
In the last 2 weeks there has been significant moisture around The Horn of Africa:
Precipitation, Saturday 29 April, in Africa
Boko Haram: In Africa’s Lake Chad region, Nigeria, countless people are without food, water, or shelter, the area where 500 children went missing 2014.
Southern Africa is experiencing drought, as well – Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa.
10 of India’s 29 states — 330 million people, a quarter of India’s population –- have been affected by a combination of failed rains, contaminated supplies, and water mismanagement.
Brazil has been suffering from severe drought for several years now, and impacts extend to Colombia and Venezuela, which are suffering from water shortages, lost hydroelectricity, and agricultural failures.
The worst drought in decades in Southeast Asia has cut flows in the Mekong, so much that salt water is moving up the river, damaging rice production and affecting fishing communities. Read the link above for a success story in Vietnam, flowing with change.
In the United States, southern California has only a tiny patch of severe drought, and small areas of moderate and abnormally dry — no more extreme drought!! Showers turned on at local beaches!
Florida, Alabama and Georgia have severe to moderate drought. As of April 23, topsoil moisture stood at 64 percent in Florida. Tropical downpours (2-8 inches) were reported last weekend (!) in southeastern Florida, providing some localized drought relief.
We can help by being present for the meditation on Saturdays, understanding and knowing our false grids and core issues, and whenever we think about water, puddles, rain, etc. sending Love/rain to the areas in drought.
We can visualize rain falling/sending Love/saying the poem out loud that St. Germaine (1) gave us — when having a shower or bath, washing the car, doing the dishes — share the bounty, the Love, all around the planet.
We demonstrate co-creation with Gaia, the water element, our Star Brothers and Sisters, when we ask for their help, and also when we stand for:
forgiveness of self,
peace and Love,
holding this energy
for all humanity.
Doing this
we change the world.
Please join us
Rain of Love with Archangel Uriel
All there is is Love and peace.
We are One family.
(1) St. Germaine’s poem:
Will you come with me and will you rain,
in perfect harmony and proportion in California?
Will you come with me and rain,
and create a lush California yet again,
and will you share this bounty all over Gaia?
P.S. On April 22, 2017, cities across the globe joined for an unprecedented gathering of people standing together to acknowledge and voice the critical role that science plays in each of our lives.
Thank you, Albert Einstein, Star Brothers and Sisters, scientists and humans on Gaia!!
610 satellite marches around the world!!
Remember — set a reminder on your phone!
Below is a list of areas we can meditate for on Saturday:
Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia, and northeast Nigeria: The world faces the largest humanitarian crisis since the end of the second world war with more than 20 million people in four countries facing starvation and famine, a senior United Nations official has warned.
Somalia declared a national emergency, and South Sudan has acknowledged full-on famine. In the two nations, almost 8 million people could starve. The United Nations says that it needs to raise upwards of $4.5 billion by July in order to avert widespread starvation in East Africa and the Horn of Africa.
Ethiopia braces for the worst drought in decades, with an estimated 5.6 million people requiring emergency aid.
Last year in mid-February, Kenya declared a national disaster amidst government projections that 1.3 million citizens were in need of immediate assistance.
In the last 2 weeks there has been significant moisture around The Horn of Africa:

Precipitation, Saturday 29 April, in Africa

Boko Haram: In Africa’s Lake Chad region, Nigeria, countless people are without food, water, or shelter, the area where 500 children went missing 2014.
Southern Africa is experiencing drought, as well – Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa.
10 of India’s 29 states — 330 million people, a quarter of India’s population –- have been affected by a combination of failed rains, contaminated supplies, and water mismanagement.
Brazil has been suffering from severe drought for several years now, and impacts extend to Colombia and Venezuela, which are suffering from water shortages, lost hydroelectricity, and agricultural failures.
The worst drought in decades in Southeast Asia has cut flows in the Mekong, so much that salt water is moving up the river, damaging rice production and affecting fishing communities. Read the link above for a success story in Vietnam, flowing with change.
In the United States, southern California has only a tiny patch of severe drought, and small areas of moderate and abnormally dry — no more extreme drought!! Showers turned on at local beaches!
Florida, Alabama and Georgia have severe to moderate drought. As of April 23, topsoil moisture stood at 64 percent in Florida. Tropical downpours (2-8 inches) were reported last weekend (!) in southeastern Florida, providing some localized drought relief.
We can help by being present for the meditation on Saturdays, understanding and knowing our false grids and core issues, and whenever we think about water, puddles, rain, etc. sending Love/rain to the areas in drought.
We can visualize rain falling/sending Love/saying the poem out loud that St. Germaine (1) gave us — when having a shower or bath, washing the car, doing the dishes — share the bounty, the Love, all around the planet.
We demonstrate co-creation with Gaia, the water element, our Star Brothers and Sisters, when we ask for their help, and also when we stand for:
forgiveness of self,
peace and Love,
holding this energy
for all humanity.
Doing this
we change the world.
Please join us
Rain of Love with Archangel Uriel
All there is is Love and peace.
We are One family.
(1) St. Germaine’s poem:
Will you come with me and will you rain,
in perfect harmony and proportion in California?
Will you come with me and rain,
and create a lush California yet again,
and will you share this bounty all over Gaia?
P.S. On April 22, 2017, cities across the globe joined for an unprecedented gathering of people standing together to acknowledge and voice the critical role that science plays in each of our lives.
Thank you, Albert Einstein, Star Brothers and Sisters, scientists and humans on Gaia!!
610 satellite marches around the world!!
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