
Laura Eisenhower interviews David Rodriguez: Former Heavy Weight Champion to Emerging Light Warrior for Truth!

Laura Eisenhower interviews David Rodriguez. We discuss his career, his personal journey facing death and his path of transformation. We talk about his book, spirituality and his strength to face what needed to change within himself, to overcome many obstacles in his own life, which then helped him to answer to a higher calling, which includes exposing and validating how real these crimes against humanity are. We get into his latest video that went viral about pedophilia and SRA and what pushed him and inspired him to emerge as a major catalyst for great planetary change and great awakening.

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When asked about his secret to such an outstanding boxing career, Rodriguez sites “When I enter the ring, I see through my opponent – I see right through to his heart and soul. I gather myself, remaining calm and calculated, and when the moment presents itself – unleash.” Whether David ever steps back into the boxing ring remains to be seen. But one thing is for certain: he will continue to fight – whether in the ring or out of it.

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