
528Hz | Heal GOLDEN Chakra 🟡 | Bring Positive Transformation | Ambient Awakening Hang Drum Music

528Hz solfeggio frequency invites you to a journey of healing & transformation. Balance your Golden Chakra and experience positive transformation through these powerful vibrations of ambient hang drum soundscape.

A Meditative Mind Original Series [No Mid Roll Ads]

**Affirmations for 528 Hz Healing Frequency** I am open to positive transformation and healing. My Golden Chakra is balanced and filled with light. I release all negativity and welcome positive change. I am in tune with the universal vibrations of love and healing. My mind, body, and spirit are in perfect alignment.

Why 528 Hz?
🌼 Golden Chakra Healing: Balance and heal your Solar Plexus Chakra (aka Manipura), promoting spiritual transformation and inner peace.
🌼 Positive Transformation: Foster positive change and a renewed sense of purpose.
🌼 Harmony and Awakening: Open a pathway for harmony and spiritual awakening in your life.

What are the benefits of listening to 528Hz music?
- Stress Reduction, Lowers cortisol levels
- Balanced Solar Plexus (Golden) Chakra
- Helps to come out of negativity by promoting positive transformation

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