
ISTVAN SKY & 50 Little Monks / Medicine Buddha

ISTVAN SKY & 50 Little Monks / Medicine BUDDHA - NEPAL Video Diego iorio & Tom Maroshegyi Facebook Diego Iorio

Boudha Medicine Buddha music video with 50 monk kids and Istvan Sky: https://youtu.be/S5xKDp99hW4

About a year ago I met some new friends by a chance of luck in Nepal, they are from Hungary, Argentina and Colombia ... almost instantly the connection among us arose from the space of the common heart, as bothers and sisters of one heart, and even if I can dare say it in the a purely unpretentious way - one year later our connection still feels with the same strength ...

This video is the first one being released from our passion projects in Kathmandu, and looking back now I recognize the real value of our coming together during those special moments and filming this clip around the Stupa of Boudhanath in KTM ...

Enjoy and May All Beings Benefit!


webpage: www.istvansky.com www.facebook.com/istvan.sky.3 kapcsolat / contact me: napfenyszentely@gmail.com

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