
Kerry K: The Sun is a Stargate

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The Sun is a stargate, when we see a stargate we see a black hole. Ascension is triggered by the sun and the sun is beginning to ready itself for conveying the great solar flash. That can take place at any time but it will be within our lifetime, as we find out more about the sun as a stargate we really are finding out more of our own true nature and the organic universe we are a part of.

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The sun is a stargate

00:20 the sun is a stargate
04:08 - Nassim Haramein
05:04 the black hole sun
06:44 our sun is a hub
08:40 light codes
09:36 chakras
Nassim Haramein / @ucxza0uxxsyruvhclc-ozeww

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With love
Kerry K

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