
MAJOR EVENTS ARE UNFOLDING! with Kerri Ann Sanders​ and Gregg Prescott​

Why has Facebook been undergoing a purging and how does this tie into THE EVENT?

What does the Spring Equinox have in store for humanity?

What is the significance of the upcoming Supermoon in Libra?

How close are we to our next level of spiritual progression into 5D?

Gregg Prescott and Kerri Ann Sanders talk about these topics and MUCH MORE in this video!

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You can find Kerri Ann Sanders here: Website: Quirky Cosmo: http://quirkycosmo.com/ Facebook: Quirky Cosmo https://www.facebook.com/QuirkyCosmo/ YouTube Quirky Cosmo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvzH... Sending you all infinite love and light, Gregg Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/in5d In5D: https://in5d.com/

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