Getting started with archeoplanetography.or APG. To submit your homework you will have to first register at so you can submit things to the APG forum page.
You can create whatever sort of user name you wish.:
Once you have found and outlined your first eye, and then the rest of whatever you find for a face, you can take a screen shot of it without leaving Google Earth. In the top toolbar, the next to the last itcon on the right will allow you to take a picture of whatever is on your Google Earth Desktop.
Once you have found and outlined your first eye, and then the rest of whatever you find for a face, you can take a screen shot of it without leaving Google Earth. In the top toolbar, the next to the last itcon on the right will allow you to take a picture of whatever is on your Google Earth Desktop.
If you run into problems or have questions, leave them in the comments below. I look forward to seeing your images.
My bad.— Sandia the ET (@SandiaWisdom) January 23, 2020
I goofed and copied the link from YouTube Studio.
Here is the working video link to the first ever archeoplanetography lesson.
APG 101: Lesson 1
Thanks for drawing this to my attention.
Tk tk!
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