
741Hz 》A MAGICAL MELODY 》Spiritual Detox + Cleansing Toxins Miracle Tone

741Hz 》feat MURMURATION 》A MAGICAL MELODY 》Spiritual Detox + Cleansing Toxins Miracle Tone

Replay : https://youtu.be/WdCAqGseoT0

Today's music is inspired with beautiful artwork by 1000s of birds, dancing in sync with each other to paint the sky. Murmuration as it is called, to us it seemed like an expression of joy, an expression of ecstasy & blissfulness of existence. You see this and wonder why they are doing it? What could be the possible reason. And you meditate on it and find out that somethings and million other things just exist to be, there is no reason. Our analytical minds want to find out reasons in everything. This is an expression of joy, the freedom, the blissfulness of life. And it is available to all of us at every moment. We wish a a very happy rest of the week.

⌘ TRACK INFO ⌘ Track : 741Hz | A Magical Melody ISRC : AUTMZ2210099 SKU : WdCAqGseoT0 | AP0172 Music : Dilpreet Bhatia
ⓒ ℗ 2022 Meditative Mind®. All Rights Reserved. Audio & Video for personal use only. Copying, re-uploading, sampling etc not permitted.

#MeditativeMind #HealingFrequencies #741Hz

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