
Benjamin Fulford Talks: Interview Jan. 31, 2019 with Prepare for Change

The battle continues does Trump have what it takes?

Today’s release was recorded on the 31st of January 2019. Prepare For Change continues its interview series with Benjamin Fulford. We now have over 12 hours of previous Benjamin 2018 interviews containing some amazing insights into history and geopolitics. If you’ve not been following along you can see them all here:


During this episode, we discuss the importance of infrastructure development and the cascading possibilities that open up when implemented correctly. Trumps new pick Shanahan supposedly isn’t going down too well, and some of the military are now questioning Trump’s abilities to affect change. Was a Reduction in Force (RIF) implemented? The Pelosi scam was indeed thwarted! If the US loses reserve currency status it will benefit the people with a new dollar, but the US will lose global power.

Benjamin Fulford Continues to Work to Liberate the Planet

Benjamin Fulford continues to work to liberate the planet from the bad guys. He is literally fighting to bring freedom and new life to humanity.

This interview is about 55 minutes long we hope you enjoy it.

Let’s take our cue from Benjamin Fulford… and turn our world into a wonderful place!
Please Consider Donating

We are an all-volunteer organization. We do set aside a little money to support our website, but nearly all of your donations to PrepareForChange.net support about 460 children in an orphanage we funded in Malawi, Africa.

Think about donating to these children, who have lost their parents. You can donate here.

Prepare For Change would also like to thank Miss Merrilee for providing our interview announcements, such a gracious and wonderful lady! To see her own shows please check out http://themerrileeshow.com/

Also, a big thank you to https://www.rays-portal.com for helping PFC with the Audio engineering.

As always try to raise your vibration and remain loving to one another, we’re all one, and we’re all going to bring about a new world!.

Victory of the Light!

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