
Adamu Speaks: Coronavirus (Part 4) - a time of choosing...

In this latest release from Adamu he begins by discussing the forthcoming American presidential election 2020 before moving on to talk about the Coronavirus pandemic. He shares some very interesting new information including talking abut a new strain of the coronavirus that acts like a "domesticated strain"| such as they see in the Pleiades. This is crucial "don't panic" information from Adamu.

Adamu also mentions that he and Zingdad will now begin holding "live events"!
LINKS * Please visit https://zingdad.com/live for more info about live events. * For all the Adamu material already released please visit https://zingdad.com/adamu * You will also find this video's text transcript at https://zingdad.com/adamu * To be updated on all new Adamu releases, please sign up for your free newsletter at https://zingdad.com/newsletter

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