
A Girl in the Universe: UPDATE VIDEO on the Love Wave, Where We Are & What is Happening. Magical Times in the Energies

Today we are doing a full-on update from my last video, what is happening, where we are going, and of course, talking about the Flash aka the Love Wave. I cover a lot of topics in this video but as always, the most important topic is YOU! You are doing all of this. Notice the changes all around you and within you. This is an amazing time to be a lightworker!

Again as always, please take what resonates with you and leave what does not. I always will share my truths exactly as see them and they are shared with me by my Angelic Guides. Many of the things I share with you in this video I have been talking about for months and months. For more information watch some of my older videos. It is all from Love and for love, no Fear. If you find it triggers you in any way, take a moment and step back and see why that is. You'll find that trigger is a place to work from to release it. We are all Lightworkers here on this journey to ascend and we picked every step of the way.

You are the amazing being of light that is making all of this possible. Step into your power and feel that within you!

Much love and light,

-SA Smith AGirlintheUniverse.com

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