
All 9 Solfeggio Frequencies Healing Music 》Meditative Mind

Healing Music based on all 9 solfeggio frequencies. - Featuring the miracle tones of Love(639Hz), Positive Transformation(528Hz) and for wiping out all the Negative Energy(417Hz)

174Hz * 285Hz * 396Hz * 417Hz * 528Hz * 639Hz * 741Hz * 852Hz * 963Hz

You can also use it as sleep music. please play it at a low volume(closer of a human whisper), and do not wear headphones while sleeping, play it on speakers instead.

We hope this will help you. You can read more about solfeggio frequency music and the benefits of different frequencies on our website listed below. Many Blessings and Peace.

Copyright ⓒ 2019 Meditative Mind®. All Rights Reserved. http://www.meditativemind.org https://youtu.be/iXL_MupS6NQ #MeditativeMind #SolfeggioFrequencies #HealingMusic 64445866633317774392228111747555291

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