
💗Song of Lady Master Venus Transmission Message Heart Chakra/Beautiful Sacred Feminine Music


Lady Master Venus, frequency Source connection the Earth and Venus are twin Stars ~Lady Master Venus, the Twin Flame of Beloved Sanat Kumara, is a Being of Divine Love, so great her immense love. Lady Master Venus can emerge with you to help you remember the kingdom of Heaven is within and the beauty of the soul that is reflection of LOVE.

Lady Master Venus and Sanat Kumara are the Beloved Kumara of Venus
Venus and Earth were established as twin flame planets, twin stars, with a shared destiny. Sanat Kumara volunteered to come to earth with 144,000 disciples at the lowest point in earth's history, when earth was about to be dissolved because it could no longer contribute to the light and harmony of the music of the spheres, to hold the spiritual balance and to reignite the threefold flame in the hearts of her people. ~This song was a transmission from Lady Venus as she came to me.
I am not a singer, or ever sang only after my NDE were i was attuned to the music of Creation. The only reason i came back to the planet was to sing in this ancient Language of Light, the miracle healing frequencies. Shortly after my NDE science found me and analyzed my voice and verified that that my vocals contain the whole lost scale of the ancient Solfeggio scale of 528 Hz, Love "(Solfeggio)", Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair), they also include the breakthrough mathematical equations of Creation by scientist, Mark Rodin and other frequencies not discovered yet.

💗🌹 "Shekina is a Angelic Messenger Harmonic vocalist Songstress and Sound Healer transformer of energy, a healer using music sound codes harmonics, ushering in music from heaven and the higher realms through divine transmission. She sings au naturel in the ancient whole solfeggio scale of pure tones, awakening, aligning and balancing the body’s energy fields, and can assist in attuning one to their own vibrational frequency and connection to Source and the angels.”

💙💙Hear more of the Miracle Frequencies Language of Light transmissions on spotify streaming and download 💓https://open.spotify.com/artist/1antk...

💓Gorgeous Pink Ray Portal "Lady VENUS") Radiant LOVE Divine Blue Print Codes & Frequency Harmonizer https://shekinarose.com/store/Gorgeou...

💓For Shekina Rose's Soul Readings, Why am i here? Language of light Activations, Galactic origins ~ Sacred Technology Harmonizers Pendants💓 Heart Healers Pendant & Bracelets https://shekinarose.com/store

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