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I am transcendingall the confines that weretailormade to contain thesize of my true ambitionsI release you alldust off into the spacewhere you hail fromI have no need 4 u anymorethis journey of life I have takenthis lonely road beyond redemption.It was a futile endeavourto ever nourish the assumptionto ever succumb to the notionof being one part beyond the sparkof the holy unforgettable touchof the divine orchestraplaying in the starsthis divine symphonyof unspeakable overwhelm.It is herewithinside the core teachingof this hearttoo oldbeyond timethese confinesthey no longer abideby the real expansionand vast expectationsof the rolling ages 2 come.For this age is a beginningthe beginning of a neverending storythe continuation of a new storywhich I helped the Creatorto tellto laudto applaudand to beholdbedazzled, bewilderedin profound amazementthis journey through themillstones of thediamond milla trillion timesa trillion sparklesand glitterin the amazing vastness of creationin the diamond heartof all that mattersthere is a sweet firesecretlyburningwaitingto receivethe one sparkthe sacred touchof the onechoosingto pass it onand to open the archiveto the annals of timeand to find shelter foreverin the sacred diamond chamber.When the stars givetheir last ecstatic sighwhen the golden stardustof new dreamssolidifiestakes shapein newpristine expressionsof the unfathomablescope and richnessand beautyof life’s grandeurthen you shall see mesparklein your heartin the focus of your eyein the smile on your lipsand the precious tear thatdripsfrom your soulshall remind youof the eternal truthof dreams greaterthan you and meof dreams thatnever extinguish.For the firethat birthed themis being nurturedin the hearts and soulsof thosewho remember the deedswho listen to the echoswho follow in the stepsof thosewho leavedeepgoldenimprintswherever they go.The secret of the Sourceis the seed plantedin our starsin our heartsfor eternitiesto cometo passto fade and witherand begin all anewalways same-same andalways differentuniqueself.expressionsin this wheel of timewhich you call your lot.I am the Onespinning4everweavingthreads of storiesof things that wereand shall always beI am the Sparkof the Firethat shinesin all that isin the heart ofall that mattersI am herealways thereforever presentin the back of your mindon the tip of your tonguethe song that wants to be songthe word that wants to be utteredthis secret of all beingis lit by all those who careenoughfor and aboutthe true natureof all that isfor it isin the heartof all that matterswhere the greatest treasurethe most precious jewelshall be bestowedupon whoeverasksto receive itIt is herehas always beenshall always bewaitingto be takenmy precious onemy shining oneI see youin all that isin the eye glitteringsoftly with tears ofself.recognitionself.understandingself.realizationI am herefor all thosewho give me roomwho step asideand give wayfor alland everyonedesiring to cometo this essentialconclusion:that all that isis the dancerin the skywhowith arms wide openheartwings unfoldedfreely exploresthe depthof his owneternal beingyou are in the heartyou are the heartof all that matterswe are here for the takingin this divine undertakingto ascend to new horizonsto transcend all limitationsand impositionsthat were setand are being setto keep us on tracktowards this singular destinationa single soul could ever aspireto undertakeyou are here to be taken.Let yourself be touchedand takenand refined from withinand be brought intoholy communionwith the heartof all that mattersyou are the heart that shines onwhen all expressions of selfhave turned to dustwhen everythingstartsalloveragain
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