
432Hz | Seed of Life | You are a Miracle | Manifest whatever you Desire

432Hz | Seed of Life | You are a Miracle | Manifest whatever you Desire

This slow shimmering 432Hz music is inspired from Seed of Life mandala, which represents the circle of life and continuity of this miracle energy beyond life. features shimmering chimes and soothing piano notes. 

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⌘ CREDITS ⌘ Music : @Dilpreet Bhatia ⓒ ℗ 2021 @Meditative Mind ®. All Rights Reserved. Audio & Video for personal use only. Copying, re-uploading, sampling etc not permitted. ⚡️ GENERAL INFO Track Name : 432Hz | Seed of Life ISRC : AUTMZ2110451 SKU : gALKr1prHWE | AP0100 

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